Hi Michael,

you said "In general if you really want to do these deep traversals you 
might be better off (in terms of performance) using the traversal-API with 
an appropriate uniqueness constraint, like node-path". Please give me any 
references so I can learn it. or Does it mean you suggest me to use Gremlin?

Thank you.

On Monday, March 31, 2014 8:09:32 PM UTC+7, Michael Hunger wrote:
> Just use a dataset that you can reason about and check if they work 
> correctly.
> Hard for me to be the consistency checker on your queries :)
> In general if you really want to do these deep traversals you might be 
> better off (in terms of performance) using the traversal-API with an 
> appropriate uniqueness constraint, like node-path.
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Rio Eduardo <rioedu...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Hello again Michael.
>> I just want to make sure that my query is correct to find friends of 
>> friends at depth of four and five. Please help me by checking my query.
>> Query at depth of four:
>> MATCH (U:User)-[F:Friend]->(FU:User)-[FF:Friend]->(FFU:User)
>> WHERE U.user_id=1
>> MATCH (FFU:User)-[FFF:Friend]->(FFFU:User)
>> MATCH (FFFU:User)-[FFFF:Friend]->(FFFFU:User)
>> Query at depth of five:
>> MATCH (U:User)-[F:Friend]->(FU:User)-[FF:Friend]->(FFU:User)
>> WHERE U.user_id=1
>> MATCH (FFU:User)-[FFF:Friend]->(FFFU:User)
>> MATCH (FFFU:User)-[FFFF:Friend]->(FFFFU:User)
>> MATCH (FFFFU:User)-[FFFFF:Friend]->(FFFFFU:User)
>> I need your help so much.
>> Thank you.
>> On Sunday, March 30, 2014 7:42:27 PM UTC+7, Michael Hunger wrote:
>>> Split it up in one more intermediate step, the intermediate steps are 
>>> there to get the cardinality down, so it doesn't have to match billions of 
>>> paths, only millions or 100k
>>> MATCH (U:User)-[F:Friend]->(FU:User)-[FF:Friend]->(FFU:User)-[FFF:
>>> Friend]->(FFFU:User)
>>> WHERE U.user_id=1
>>> MATCH (FFU:User)-[FFF:Friend]->(FFFU:User)
>>> WHERE NOT (U)-[:Friend]->(FFFU)
>>> RETURN distinct FFFU.username;
>>> On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Rio Eduardo <rioedu...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Please help me again Michael.
>>>> You ever said:
>>>> I would also change:
>>>> MATCH (U:User)-[F:Friend]->(FU:User)-[FF:Friend]->(FFU:User)
>>>> WHERE U.user_id=1 AND FFU.user_id<>U.user_id AND NOT 
>>>> (U)-[:Friend]->(FFU)
>>>> RETURN FFU.username
>>>> to
>>>> MATCH (U:User)-[F:Friend]->(FU:User)-[FF:Friend]->(FFU:User)
>>>> WHERE U.user_id=1 
>>>> WITH distinct U, FFU
>>>> WHERE FFU<>U AND NOT (U)-[:Friend]->(FFU)
>>>> RETURN FFU.username
>>>> Query above is to find friends of friends at depth of two. And I would 
>>>> like to find friends of friends  at depth of three, when I use model of 
>>>> your query, it returns result longer than mine and the result is much more 
>>>> than mine. Ok so here is model of your query at depth of three:
>>>> MATCH (U:User)-[F:Friend]->(FU:User)-[FF:Friend]->(FFU:User)-[FFF:
>>>> Friend]->(FFFU:User)
>>>> WHERE U.user_id=1
>>>> WHERE FFU<>U AND FFFU<>FU AND NOT (U)-[:Friend]->(FFFU)
>>>> RETURN FFFU.username;
>>>> ...
>>>> 118858 rows
>>>> 20090 ms
>>>> Mine:
>>>> MATCH (U:User)-[F:Friend]->(FU:User)-[FF:Friend]->(FFU:User)-[FFF:
>>>> Friend]->(FFFU:User)
>>>> WHERE U.user_id=1 AND FFU<>U AND FFFU<>FU AND NOT (U)-[:Friend]->(FFFU)
>>>> ...
>>>> 950 rows
>>>> 18133 ms
>>>> Please help me, Why is model of your query longer than mine and return 
>>>> much more results than mine?
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> On Friday, March 28, 2014 8:30:20 PM UTC+7, Michael Hunger wrote:
>>>>> Rio,
>>>>> was this your first run of both statements? If so, please run them for 
>>>>> a second time.
>>>>> And did you create an index or constraint for :User(user_id) ?
>>>>> I would also change:
>>>>> MATCH (U:User)-[F:Friend]->(FU:User)-[FF:Friend]->(FFU:User)
>>>>> WHERE U.user_id=1 AND FFU.user_id<>U.user_id AND NOT 
>>>>> (U)-[:Friend]->(FFU)
>>>>> RETURN FFU.username
>>>>> to
>>>>> MATCH (U:User)-[F:Friend]->(FU:User)-[FF:Friend]->(FFU:User)
>>>>> WHERE U.user_id=1 
>>>>> WITH distinct U, FFU
>>>>> WHERE FFU<>U AND NOT (U)-[:Friend]->(FFU)
>>>>> RETURN FFU.username
>>>>> I quickly created a dataset on my machine:
>>>>> cypher 2.0 foreach (i in range(1,1000) | create (:User {id:i}));
>>>>> create constraint on (u:User) assert u.id is unique;  
>>>>> match (u1:User),(u2:User) with u1,u2 where rand() < 0.1 create 
>>>>> (u1)-[:Friend]->(u2);
>>>>> Relationships created: 99974
>>>>> 778 ms
>>>>> match (u:User) return count(*);
>>>>> +----------+
>>>>> | count(*) |
>>>>> +----------+
>>>>> | 1000     |
>>>>> +----------+
>>>>> 1 row
>>>>> *4 ms*
>>>>> MATCH (U:User)-[F:Friend]->(FU:User)-[FF:Friend]->(FFU:User)
>>>>> WHERE U.id=1 
>>>>> WITH distinct U, FFU
>>>>> WHERE FFU<>U AND NOT (U)-[:Friend]->(FFU)
>>>>> RETURN FFU.id;
>>>>> ...
>>>>> 910 rows
>>>>> 101 ms
>>>>> but even your query takes only
>>>>> MATCH (U:User)-[F:Friend]->(FU:User)-[FF:Friend]->(FFU:User)
>>>>> WHERE U.id=1 AND FFU.id<>U.id AND NOT (U)-[:Friend]->(FFU)
>>>>> RETURN FFU.id;
>>>>> ...
>>>>> 8188 rows
>>>>> 578 ms
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 2:08 PM, Lundin <lundin....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > ms, it is milliseconds.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > What is the corresponding result for a SQL db ?
>>>>> > MATCH (n:User)-[:Friend*3]-(FoFoF) return FoFoF;
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Albeit a valid search is it something useful ? I would think finding 
>>>>> a specific persons FoFoF in either end, as a starting point or end point, 
>>>>> would be a very realistic scenario. Adding an Index on User:name and 
>>>>> query 
>>>>> for a User with name:Rio try to find his FoFoF.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Yes, neo4j has been kind and exposed various function, like 
>>>>> shortestpath in cypher
>>>>> > http://docs.neo4j.org/refcard/2.0/
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Also look at some gist examples
>>>>> > https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/graphgist/wiki
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Den fredagen den 28:e mars 2014 kl. 05:00:22 UTC+1 skrev Rio Eduardo:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Thank you so much for the reply Lundin. I really apreciate it. 
>>>>> Okay, yesterday I just tested my experiment again. And the result was not 
>>>>> what I imagined and expected before. Okay, before I tested 1M users, I 
>>>>> reduced the number of users into 1000 users and tested it not in my 
>>>>> social 
>>>>> network but directly in database only(Neo4j Shell) to find out that it 
>>>>> was 
>>>>> not caused by the performance of pc. But the result of returning 1000 
>>>>> users 
>>>>> was 200ms and 1 row and the result of returning friends at depth of two 
>>>>> was 
>>>>> 85000ms and 2500 rows and are 200ms and 85000ms fast to you? and what 
>>>>> does 
>>>>> ms stand for? is it milliseconds or microseconds?
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> the query I use for returning 1000 users is
>>>>> >> MATCH (U:User) RETURN COUNT(U);
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> and the query I use for returning friends at depth of two is
>>>>> >> MATCH (U:User)-[F:Friend]->(FU:User)-[FF:Friend]->(FFU:User)
>>>>> >> WHERE U.user_id=1 AND FFU.user_id<>U.user_id AND NOT 
>>>>> (U)-[:Friend]->(FFU)
>>>>> >> RETURN FFU.username
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Please note that I tested with default configuration of Neo4j and 
>>>>> created users with 1000 random nodes and created friends relationships 
>>>>> with 
>>>>> 50000 random relationships(1 user has 50 friends). Each relationship has 
>>>>> a 
>>>>> label Friend and no properties on it. Each node has a label User, 4 
>>>>> properties: user_id, username, password and profile_picture. Each 
>>>>> property 
>>>>> has a value of 1-60 characters. average of characters of user_id=1-1000 
>>>>> characters, all usernames have 10 characters randomly, all passwords have 
>>>>> 60 characters because I MD5 it, and profile_picture has 1-60 characters.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> And about your statement "Otherwise if you really need to present 
>>>>> that many "things" just paging the result with SKIP,LIMIT. I has never 
>>>>> made 
>>>>> sense to present 1M of anything at a time for a user.", I already did 
>>>>> according to your statement above but it is still the same, Neo4j returns 
>>>>> result slower.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> And I'm wondering if Neo4j already applied one of graph 
>>>>> algorithms(shortest path, djikstra, A*, etc) in its system or not.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Thank you.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> On Friday, March 28, 2014 3:43:49 AM UTC+7, Lundin wrote:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Rio, any version will do. They can all handle million nodes on 
>>>>> common hardware, no magic at all. When hundred of millions of billions 
>>>>> then 
>>>>> we might need to look into specfication more in detail. But in that case 
>>>>> with that kind of data there are other bottlencks for a social network or 
>>>>> any web appp that needs to be taken care of as well.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> you said:
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>  Given any two persons chosen at random, is there a path that 
>>>>> connects them that is at most five relationships long? For a social 
>>>>> network 
>>>>> containing 1,000,000 people, each with approximately 50 friends, the 
>>>>> results strongly suggest that graph databases are the best choice for 
>>>>> connected data. And graph database can still work 150 times faster than 
>>>>> relational database at third degree and 1000 times faster at fourth degre
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> I fail to see how this is connected to your attempt to list 1M 
>>>>> users in one go at the first page. You would want to seek if there is a 
>>>>> relationship and return that path between users. You need two start nodes 
>>>>> and seek a path by traveser the relationsip rather than scan tables and 
>>>>> that would be the comparison.
>>>>> >>> Otherwise if you really need to present that many "things" just 
>>>>> paging the result with SKIP,LIMIT. I has never made sense to present 1M 
>>>>> of 
>>>>> anything at a time for a user. Again, that wouldn't really serve your 
>>>>> experiment much good to prove graph theory.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> What is the result of MATCH(U:User) RETURN count(U); ?
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Also when you do your test make sure to add the warm/cold cache 
>>>>> effect (better/worse performance)
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Den torsdagen den 27:e mars 2014 kl. 17:57:10 UTC+1 skrev Rio 
>>>>> Eduardo:
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> I just knew about memory allocation and just read Server 
>>>>> Performance Tuning of Neo4j. neo4j.properties:
>>>>> >>>> # Default values for the low-level graph engine
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> #neostore.nodestore.db.mapped_memory=25M
>>>>> >>>> #neostore.relationshipstore.db.mapped_memory=50M
>>>>> >>>> #neostore.propertystore.db.mapped_memory=90M
>>>>> >>>> #neostore.propertystore.db.strings.mapped_memory=130M
>>>>> >>>> #neostore.propertystore.db.arrays.mapped_memory=130M
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Should I change this to get high performance? If yes, please 
>>>>> suggest me.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> And I just knew about Neo4j Licenses, they are Community, 
>>>>> Personal, Startups, Business and Enterprise. And at Neo4j website all 
>>>>> features are explained. So which Neo4j should I use for my case that has 
>>>>> millions nodes and relationships?
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Please answer. I need your help so much.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Thanks.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:03:58 AM UTC+7, Rio Eduardo wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> I'm testing my thesis which is about transforming from 
>>>>> relational database to graph database. After transforming from relational 
>>>>> database to graph database, I will test their own performance according 
>>>>> to 
>>>>> query response time and throughput. In relational database, I use MySQL 
>>>>> while in graph database I use Neo4j for testing. I will have 3 Million 
>>>>> more 
>>>>> nodes and 6 Million more relationships. But when I just added 60000 
>>>>> nodes, 
>>>>> my Neo4j is already dead. When I tried to return all 60000 nodes, it 
>>>>> returned unknown. I did the same to MySQL, I added 60000 records but it 
>>>>> could return all 60000 records. It's weird because it's against the 
>>>>> papers 
>>>>> I read that told me graph database is faster than relational database So 
>>>>> Why is Neo4j slower(totally dead) in lower specification of pc/notebook 
>>>>> while MySQL is not? And What specification of pc/notebook do I should use 
>>>>> to give the best performance during testing with millions of nodes and 
>>>>> relationships?
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> >
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