I have some problems starting the shell from my Mac Terminal (it's giving 
me a out of mem error) , but form the webadmin powerconsole. Can't find any 
documentation either on how to set shell to have me return profile.

neo4j-sh (?)$ export termname="Eurovoc"

*Your first Query*
neo4j-sh (?)$ match 
{name:{termname}})  return t.name, count(distinct j) as count  order by 
count desc limit 10

> ;
==> +-------------------------------------------------+
==> | t.name                                  | count |
==> +-------------------------------------------------+
==> | "gezondheidsbeleid"                     | 1823  |
==> | "overtreding"                           | 1393  |
==> | "Europese organisatie"                  | 1389  |
==> | "EU-instantie"                          | 1323  |
==> | "mondiale organisatie"                  | 1277  |
==> | "gespecialiseerde instelling van de VN" | 1143  |
==> | "handeling van de EU"                   | 1129  |
==> | "internationaal publiekrecht"           | 1091  |
==> | "sociaal beleid"                        | 971   |
==> | "rechtsvordering"                       | 915   |
==> +-------------------------------------------------+
==> 10 rows
*==> 8775 ms*

*Your second Query*
neo4j-sh (?)$ match (j:jurt)-[:HAS_TERM]->()-[:BT*0..]->(t2:term 
{name:{termname}})  return t.name, count(distinct j) as count  order by 
count desc limit 10;
==> SyntaxException: t not defined (line 1, column 79)
==> "match (j:jurt)-[:HAS_TERM]->()-[:BT*0..]->(t2:term {name:{termname}}) 
 return t.name, count(distinct j) as count  order by count desc limit 10"
neo4j-sh (?)$ match (j:jurt)-[:HAS_TERM]->()-[:BT*0..]->(t2:term 
{name:{termname}})  return t2.name, count(distinct j) as count  order by 
count desc limit 10;
==> +-------------------+
==> | t2.name   | count |
==> +-------------------+
==> | "Eurovoc" | 9576  |
==> +-------------------+
==> 1 row
*==> 3668 ms*

But what I need is to include the docs on both the term I request and the 
count on its children, like this. I notice that the combination takes 
longer than the two separate queries combined.

neo4j-sh (?)$ match 
{name:{termname}})  return t.name, count(distinct j) as count  order by 
count desc limit 10;
==> +-------------------------------------------------+
==> | t.name                                  | count |
==> +-------------------------------------------------+
==> | "Eurovoc"                               | 9576  |
==> | "gezondheidsbeleid"                     | 1823  |
==> | "overtreding"                           | 1393  |
==> | "Europese organisatie"                  | 1389  |
==> | "EU-instantie"                          | 1323  |
==> | "mondiale organisatie"                  | 1277  |
==> | "gespecialiseerde instelling van de VN" | 1143  |
==> | "handeling van de EU"                   | 1129  |
==> | "internationaal publiekrecht"           | 1091  |
==> | "sociaal beleid"                        | 971   |
==> +-------------------------------------------------+
==> 10 rows
*==> 17802 ms*

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