Hi Mattias, hi Michael
Thank you for answering me

@Mattias: I was sure about what you wrote about relationships and influence 
on algorithms, but now I'm confident that I was right :). But, on the other 
side, now I'm totally confused on the reason why the AStar algorithm has so 
poor performance (at least in my case); on Stackoverflow I had a rapid chat 
with Stefan and he was surprised too about this poor performance....and 
honestly I don't know what else to try to improve performance (I posted a 
topic where you can find a sample project on github and test what I tested)
@Michael: I know that BOTH direction is for querying and/or traverser...I 
was wrong in writing :) 

Il giorno lunedì 19 maggio 2014 09:04:51 UTC+2, Angelo Immediata ha scritto:
> Hi there
> With my colleague, we are are buillding a route system by using neo4j 
> 2.0.3; so we are suing A* and Dijkstra algorithms in order to calculate the 
> shortest path,
> I was wondering if the relationships number can affect the algorithm 
> perfomance. I mean, we have a graph with around 1 million (or more) of 
> nodes and 50 million of relationships. We have several types of 
> relationship; specifically we have:
>    - relationships for cars: the most of relationships are of this type
>    - relationships for bikes
>    - relationships for pedestrian
>    - relationships for public transports
> When we execute Dijkstra and/or A* we can specify, in our PathExpander, 
> the type of the relationships we want to consider during the traverser, so, 
> my sensation is that the relationships number should not affect algorithm 
> performance since we will sparsely (almost never) consider all the 
> relationships types. Am I right?
> Thak you
> Angelo

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