Ah Craig...two last info.....:

I was wrong previously....I'm not sure if node 1 and node 2 are really 
directly connected...it depends on the OSM file; what I'm sure about is 
that I reduced to the minimum the complexity of my code by considering only 
2 kind of relationships (the ones I put in the A* test)
Moreover I use this code for A* code

 public String testAStar(long idNodeStart, long idNodeEnd)

 Transaction tx = this.graphDbService.beginTx();
 Node startNode = graphDbService.getNodeById(idNodeStart);
 Node endNode = graphDbService.getNodeById(idNodeEnd);
 EstimateEvaluator<Double> estimateEvaluator = new EstimateEvaluator<Double
 public Double getCost(final Node node, final Node goal)
 double dx = (Double) node.getProperty(OSMAttribute.LONGITUDE_PROPERTY) - (
Double) goal.getProperty(OSMAttribute.LONGITUDE_PROPERTY);
 double dy = (Double) node.getProperty(OSMAttribute.LATITUDE_PROPERTY) - (
Double) goal.getProperty(OSMAttribute.LATITUDE_PROPERTY);
 double result = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx, 2) + Math.pow(dy, 2));
 return result;
 PathExpander expander = PathExpanders.forTypesAndDirections(RelTypes.
 List<WeightedPath> paths = new ArrayList<WeightedPath>();
 WeightedPath path = GraphAlgoFactory.aStar(expander, CommonEvaluators.
doubleCostEvaluator(OSMAttribute.EDGE_LENGTH_PROPERTY), estimateEvaluator).
findSinglePath(startNode, endNode);// tas.findSinglePath(startNode,
 String result = null;
 if( path != null )
 result = path.toString();
 return result;
 catch (Exception e)

 logger.fatal(e.getMessage(), e);
 throw new IllegalStateException(e);
 if (tx != null)


So I don't know if I'm wrong in using it or less...it seems to me I'm not 
Anyway....I guess times are really too big...

Il giorno lunedì 19 maggio 2014 19:41:05 UTC+2, Angelo Immediata ha scritto:
> Hi there
> We are using Neo4j 2.0.3 in order to build a routing system. We are using 
> the classical A Start implementation, tough we saw that there is a 
> TraversalAstar implementation but it seems to be in experimental status yet.
> By the way, we read an OSM file and create our graph; actually we have 
> around 1 million of points. around 2 million of relationships and around 5 
> million of properites on relationships; by reading neo4j documentation it 
> seems to me that this DB dimension is really small and it's really well 
> handled by neo4j but in my case this doesn't seem to be real (maybe I'm 
> missing something)
> Actually our node creation code is the following one:
>  private long createGraphNode(OsmNodeWrapper osmNodeWrapper)
>  {
>  try
>  {
>  Map<String, Object> nodeProps = new HashMap<String, Object>();
>  double x = osmNodeWrapper.getLongitude();
>  double y = osmNodeWrapper.getLatitude();
>  nodeProps.put(OSMAttribute.LATITUDE_PROPERTY, y);
>  nodeProps.put(OSMAttribute.LONGITUDE_PROPERTY, x);
>  nodeProps.put(OSMAttribute.OSM_NODE_ID_PROPERTY, osmNodeWrapper.
> getOsmNodeId());
>  if (osmNodeWrapper.isTrafficSignal())
>  nodeProps.put(OSMAttribute.TRAFFIC_SIGNAL, true);
>  // Creo il nodo
>  long graphNodeId = inserter.createNode(nodeProps, mainNodeLabel);
>  // aggiungo l'identificativo del nodo sul grafo
>  osmNodeWrapper.setGraphNodeId(graphNodeId);
>  return graphNodeId;
>  }
> In our graph, we have only 2 types of relationships:
>    - *CAR_ONE_WAY_RELATION* for one way road with Direction OUTCOMING
>    - *CAR_BIDIRECTIONAL_WAY_RELATION* for bidirectional road with 
>    Direction BOTH
> This is the relationship creation code:
> //Create RelationShip
> Map<String, Object> relationProps = new HashMap<String, Object>();
> relationProps.put(OSMAttribute.EDGE_LENGTH_PROPERTY, lunghezzaArco);
> ....//other properties
> long relId = inserter.createRelationship(startNode, endNode, 
> "CAR_ONE_WAY_RELATION", relationProps);
> osmWayIdPropertyIndex.add(relId, relationProps)
> We configured the neo4j embedded by using the following parameters:
> neostore.nodestore.db.mapped_memory=100M
> neostore.relationshipstore.db.mapped_memory=3G
> neostore.propertystore.db.mapped_memory=100M
> neostore.propertystore.db.strings.mapped_memory=200M
> neostore.propertystore.db.arrays.mapped_memory=50M
> cache_type=strong
> As you can see we use a strong cache type; this means we cache all data in 
> memory. Moreover when out application starts we load all nodes and 
> properties in memory; n order to do this we use this code:
>  private void loadWholeGraphInMemory() throws PinfGraphServiceException{
>  StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
>  sw.start();
>  Node start;
>  for ( Node n : ggo.getAllNodes() ) {
>  n.getPropertyKeys();
>  for ( Relationship relationship : n.getRelationships() ) {
>  start = relationship.getStartNode();
>  }
>  }
>  for ( Relationship r : ggo.getAllRelationships() ) {
>  start = r.getStartNode();
>  r.getPropertyKeys();
>  }
>  sw.stop();
>  logger.info("Grafo caricato in "+sw.getLastTaskTimeMillis()+" millis");
>  }
> We tried to execute the AStar algorithm between 2 points. The distance 
> between points is around 130 kilometers. In order to execute the algorithm 
> Neo4j takes around 4 seconds for returning a path and it seems to me really 
> too much; if i compare it to other software on the same OSM I have really 
> really really really different performance.
> Is there any way to improve the Algorithm performance? Where can we act to 
> have better performance? would be better to use the Traversal AStar? 
> Moreover is there any plan to implement bi-directional AStar and/or 
> Dijkstra?
> I guess that with this kind of perfomance, Neo4j is not suitable for my 
> scenario
> Thank you
> Angelo

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