I'm guessing you just want some indication that there's a path (or no path) 
between N1 and N2?

I guess a bit more context would help to determine what you're trying to do 
exactly - what's the use case?

On Monday, July 14, 2014 1:01:13 AM UTC-4, Mars Agliullin wrote:
> Hello, group
> I have a use case for 'virtual' (i.e. created on the fly, not persistent 
> in DB) relationships. Say, we're looking for pairs of nodes (n1), (n2) in 
> DB, that are related somehow (e.g. traversable from n1 to n2). We're not 
> interested in intermediate nodes or relationships between n1 and n2. 
> Besides n1 and n2 (and their pairing)  result set contains other 
> components; e.g.:
> match (n0)-[r]->(n1)-[*1..10]->(n2)
> where ...
> return n0, r, [n1, n2]
> If graph format is used for results (good for its brevity), we either get 
> the whole subgraph including components of all paths from n1 to n2, which 
> may be huge and is not needed, or lose pairing between n1 and n2. A better 
> alternative would be to return n1, n2 and a 'virtual' relationship from n1 
> to n2:
> match (n0)-[r]->(n1)-[*1..10]->(n2)
> where ...
> return n0, r, n1, n2, relationship(n1, n2, "Some label", { name: "Some 
> name" })
> , where relationship() is a proposed function, returning 'virtual' 
> relationships.
> Any ideas?

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