   I am trying to do the same sort of thing in Python. I am adding the data 
using py2neo's batch process. If I can't create the spatial index directly 
how would I do it, still using Py2neo?

Would I be able to create Cypher queries from py2neo that involve spatial? 
I hate to abandon Python...

Greg Ricker

On Wednesday, June 25, 2014 4:12:11 AM UTC-4, Nigel Small wrote:
> Hi Ankur
> I'm afraid that py2neo does not support spatial at this point in time. I 
> may consider adding it in a future version though so watch this space!
> Regards
> Nigel
> On 25 Jun 2014 07:25, "Ankur goel" <anku...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Does Py2neo in python supports creating Geo-spatial Indexes.
>> If yes, Can someone demonstrate it using a working sample which creates 
>> and then searches nearby POI query 
>> -- 
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