Glad you like the suggestion. 

That source code from the bubble is really useful. Thanks!

Interesting that Java dependencies are so complex, that we actually need an 
internet connected software, Maven, to resolve them. And java is so 
complex, that we
need an IDE such as Netbeans to manage it. Netbeans, being a complex 
software by itself. 
When I took the java course, many of the issues were not so much java, as 
they were 
how to use Netbeans. Often the best part of the course for me was being 
able to 
ask the instructor, "what's wrong here?".  

This is so different from when I first learned to program. When we did the 
exams, we wrote
programs from memory, longhand, in paper booklets. 

As I look back on when I learned other technologies, such as PLSQL, and 
ProC (Oracle queries 
from within a C program), a simple tutorial/example that worked, 
integrating the technology stack,
was one key for me to get going and out of first gear. 

I'm really big on clear and simple docs that communicate. 
In one of my very first blog posts, I touched on this:

And I've made jokes about bad docs:

I do think that the better the docs, the bigger will be the adoption of 

Thanks for all your help through the learning curves!

On Saturday, July 26, 2014 9:11:57 PM UTC-5, Rodger wrote:
> Dear NEO4J documentation staff:

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