While I can't share the code I can say that we have our our batch insert 
process. It actually does searches first to determine if we are updating or 
creating a given node. We run batch inserts of about 40-50k nodes pet tx. We 
are loading several thousand of nodes per second. Overall times vary with the 
complexity of the file but we have loaded files with over 4 million rows where 
each row contains between 4 and 40 nodes in less than 12 hours

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 29, 2014, at 11:47, "'Curtis Mosters' via Neo4j" 
> <neo4j@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Okay but still that version is faster overall. Ok you get faster the GC 
> error. That's right. Well compared to OrientDB it's very slow. Overall I can 
> say that currently the inserting of really big files can only be done with 
> your tool Michael.
> As I said will test this evening, hopefully working this time =)
> Am Freitag, 29. August 2014 15:16:05 UTC+2 schrieb Michael Hunger:
>> Actually looking at your old version again you use just one single tx
>> Repeated tx.success() don't have an effect
>> Sent from mobile device
>>> Am 29.08.2014 um 10:57 schrieb "'Curtis Mosters' via Neo4j" 
>>> <ne...@googlegroups.com>:
>>> Tested in AWS on Intel Xeon CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2,5 GHz.
>>> With the addition I need for 1 mio lines ~100 sec
>>> With my old version of inserting every line it was 14 sec.
>>> So somehow batch commiting is much slower.
>>> Am Donnerstag, 28. August 2014 22:18:46 UTC+2 schrieb Michael Hunger:
>>>>> Am 28.08.2014 um 19:17 schrieb 'Curtis Mosters' via Neo4j 
>>>>> <ne...@googlegroups.com>:
>>>>> Hi I don't like the current speed of Neo4j with Java API.
>>>>> I have written an example that just inserts random data. In the case 160k:
>>>> Change it to batching commits every 30k to 50k nodes not every node.
>>>> Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx();
>>>>> for (int i = 0; i < 160000; i++) {
>>>>>                 myFirstNode = graphDb.createNode();
>>>>>                 myFirstNode.setProperty( "id", "1" );
>>>>>                 myFirstNode.setProperty( "name", "Duane Nickull, I 
>>>>> Braineater" );
>>>>                    if (i % 30000 == 0) {
>>>>>                     tx.success();
>>>>                        tx.close();
>>>>                        tx = graphDb.beginTx();
>>>>                   }     
>>>>>             }
>>>>>                     tx.success();
>>>>                        tx.close();
>>>> With the java API you usually can import 50 to 100k nodes per second.
>>>>> this needs 22 seconds + ~2 minutes of tx.success() finishing or so. 
>>>>> That's pretty bad if you ask me.
>>>>> So how can I improve the speed of the insert.
>>>>> Already thought about it, maybe with:
>>>>> disabling tx
>>>>> declare massive insert
>>>>> inserting every 10k
>>>>> So yeah basically help me to speed it up. Please don't say to use the 
>>>>> batch-inserter. He is fine but noch practicable for me.
>>>>> Thank you.
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