Did you create a schema index?

Labels and property names are case sensitive, you use "USER" (without s) in 
your batch import but "Users" (with s and different caps in cypher)

create index on :Users(id);

otherwise see for the difference between legacy and schema indexes 
the batch-importer currently only supports legacy indexes


Am 14.08.2014 um 18:33 schrieb gg4u <luigi.as...@gmail.com>:

> Hello folks!
> I've done a batch import of 4M nodes and 100M rels.
> I set up autoindexes before import, but something got wrong apparently: it 
> takes ages for querying a single node like:
> match (n:Users)-[r:REL]-()
> where n.id = 25
> Please help me to understand if I am doing the following steps correct, in 
> order to create proper indexing for my nodes and properties.
> Goal
>  I wanna query my nodes by their name property, so I am gonna index 
> :User(name)
> I want to traverse the graph: does also the node-id for each node to be 
> indexed :User(id)? Please note that node-id is a key for indexing third part 
> sources, so I cannot change it.
> **
> My data are as following:
> #node.csv
> id:int:student  MyLabel:label name:string:user
> 3212 USER Mark
> 6367 USER Paula
> ...
> (I set the headers by looking at the tutorial, but I am confused:
> is   name:string:user   correct syntax to apply the property name to each 
> node with Label 'USER' ?
> Why the keyword 'student' does not apply as a label in the 
> localhost:7474/browser?
> Is it a label of nodes, or the name of the index?)
> #rels.csv
> id:int:student id:int:student type property
> 3212 6367 LOVERS april
> ***
> In batch.properties I specified:
> batch_import.node_index.name=fulltext
> batch_import.node_index.student=exact
> batch_import.node_index.node_auto_index=exact
> Once I uploaded, I cannot search neither for USER.id, neither for USER.name
> ***
> In neo4j.properties,
> I had node_auto_indexing and node_keys_indexable commented out, so i batch 
> imported without them.
> Is the indexing failed because of this?
> Do I have to redo the import with this settings?
> # Enable auto-indexing for nodes, default is false
> node_auto_indexing=true
> # The node property keys to be auto-indexed, if enabled
> node_keys_indexable=name,id
> Any help for shedding light?
> -- 
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