We're already writing to the master.

What do you mean by "with appropriate locks"? We're using Cypher over REST 
hitting the transactional endpoints as documented at:


I don't see anything documented there to allow obtaining of any kind of 
lock over the REST API.

We are not using MERGE, will use that and update this thread.



On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 5:31:27 PM UTC-4, Michael Hunger wrote:
> Also I recommend that you focus writing to the master and not the slaves 
> for higher performance.
> Feel free to raise a support ticket with our Neo Technology customer 
> account when the issue persists with MERGE
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 11:29 PM, Michael Hunger <
> michael...@neotechnology.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>> To assure uniqueness across multiple threads and a cluster (with 
>> appropriate locks, please use MERGE)
>> MERGE (n:SEGMENT {segmentId : 110484}) ON CREATE SET n.name = "name" , 
>> ....;
>> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 11:15 PM, Saad Mufti <saad....@gmail.com 
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We have a Neo4J 2.1.3 database and we have a uniqueness constraint that 
>>> was created as follows:
>>> When we test this from the browser, it works fine in detecting 
>>> violations, e.g:
>>> CREATE (n:SEGMENT {name : "duplicate", segmentId : 110484}) RETURN n
>>> results in
>>> Node 589 already exists with label SEGMENT and property "segmentId"=[110484]
>>>  Neo.ClientError.Schema.ConstraintViolation
>>> which is fine.
>>> We have a load tester setup with  3 machines and multiple threads per 
>>> box using Cypher over REST talking to Neo4J and using the transactional 
>>> endpoints to do creates similar to above (but of course many more 
>>> properties relevant to our app), and always writing to the Neo4J master in 
>>> an HA setup.
>>> We can reliably reproduce in that setup multiple violations of the 
>>> uniqueness constraint that are NOT caught by Neo4J, they execute without 
>>> error and in the resulting db we can see multiple nodes with the SEGMENT 
>>> label and the same value for the segmentId property (we are intentionally 
>>> generating duplicate segmentId values for our test).
>>> Anyone else run into the same issue? Is this a Neo4J bug?
>>> Thanks.
>>> -----
>>> Saad
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