
Disclaimer: I'm using Neo4j 2.0.3. I know that this is far from the most
recent version, but a bug between the latest stable py2neo and 2.1.x builds
have me stuck on this release

I'm writing an ETL script that needs to retrieve around 500 nodes per
request.  My nodes have a `uid` field that is indexed and has a uniqueness


To get these nodes, I'm issuing the following query:

MATCH (n:Entity)
WHERE n.uid IN ["uid001", "uid002" ... "uid500"]

This takes quite a bit of time. Running this with the profiler indicates
that it's hitting the database for every filter.  Attempting to unroll this
(i.e. `WHERE n.uid = "uid001" OR n.uid = "uid002"`, etc) hits the database
just as heavily. If I try to specify the index with the USING statement, I
get the following error:

IndexHintException: Cannot use index hint in this context. Index hints
> require using a simple equality comparison in WHERE (either directly or as
> part of a top-level AND).

What I find ends up working is:

MATCH (n:Entity) WHERE n.uid = "uid001" RETURN n
MATCH (n:Entity) WHERE n.uid = "uid002" RETURN n
MATCH (n:Entity) WHERE n.uid = "uid500" RETURN n

This is a little too verbose and hacky for my tastes. I was wondering if
there's anything I can do to improve the performance and reduce the
complexity of this query.


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