Wow Axel, Christian, and the Structr Team... 

This is a SUPER move. With Structr maturing and Neo4j going 2.2, things 
will be getting more and more interesting.

I have been quiet lately so as to not divert your attention from all the 
amazing work your team is doing. But things are DEFINITELY brewing in a 
very good way. Next week is #MCN2014 so that will keep me jumping.

More soon...
-: Jim :-

On Monday, November 10, 2014 7:46:27 AM UTC-6, Axel wrote:
> Hi Group, 
> glad to announce a new SNAPSHOT version of Structr, and it comes with 
> the long-awaited integrated Neo4j server! 
> You just have to add 'Neo4jService' to the list of configured services, 
> set host and port in the structr.conf and start as usual. Then you can 
> access the Neo4j browser on http://localhost:7474 (or whatever is set in 
> structr.conf *). 
> Warning: The Neo4j server runs against the same database as Structr, 
> bypassing all security measures. With the upcoming Neo4j 2.2, we'll 
> synchronise Structr's admin user with the user-level security of Neo4j. 
> Until then, make sure you don't expose the Neo4j listener to any 
> untrusted network! 
> Please note that this is an experimental build, but we're planning to 
> ship it with the 1.1 release. 
> Best, 
> Axel 
> (*) You can find the new config options in structr.conf_templ in the 
> structr-ui directory. 
> -- 
> Axel Morgner · CEO Structr (c/o Morgner UG) · Twitter @amorgner · Skype 
> axel.morgner 
> Hanauer Landstr. 291a · 60314 Frankfurt, Germany · Phone +49 151 40522060 
> - Structr: A revolutionary Software based on Neo4j 
> - Structr and Neo4j Hosting 

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