Sure it is simple in the Java API as you have full control, via
PathExpanders and Evaluators, see here:


On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 7:03 PM, Milton Yutaka Nishiyama Junior <> wrote:

> Hi  Michael and Gabriel,
> Is it possible to make such similar queries using Java API ? or the
> graphAlgorithms ?, in the last case I understood that you can only use the
> parameters: node and distance.
> I would like to find all paths starting in one node, and exclude all paths
> that have a node with the property "key".
> What I have done is to use the algorithm shortestPath to recover all paths,
> and after that by programming, exclude the ones that contain the improper
> node, and use the remaining paths.
> Thanks,
> Milton
> On Wednesday, November 19, 2014 12:04:29 AM UTC-2, Michael Hunger wrote:
>> try this
>> MATCH (topic:attribute) WHERE id(topic) IN [37, 38]
>>> MATCH p = (topic)-[rel: describedBy*0..4]-(node: attribute
>> where none(n IN nodes(p)[..-1] where n.key = "enrichment" OR n.key =
>>> "classification")
>> RETURN p;
>> The problem is I want to remove paths where any of the nodes in the path
>> (other than the end node) have the property "key" with either the value
>> "enrichment" or "classification".
>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Gabriel Bassett <>
>> wrote:
>>> I am having trouble creating an appropriate Cypher query. I would like
>>> to return the sub-graph of all edges & nodes within a certain distance of a
>>> topic node. This could easily be done with something like:
>>>> START (topic: attribute)-[rel: describedBy*0..4]-(node: attribute
>>> WHERE id(topic) IN [37, 38]
>>> RETURN rel;
>>> The problem is I want to remove paths where any of the nodes in the path
>>> (other than the end node) have the property "key" with either the value
>>> "enrichment" or "classification".
>>> I've tried removing paths using:
>>>> MATCH path=(topic: attribute)-[rel: 
>>>> describedBy|influences*0..4]-(intermediate:
>>>> attribute)-[rel: describedBy|influences*0..4]-(node: attribute)
>>>> WHERE id(topic) IN [37,38] AND NOT intermediate in [x IN nodes(path)
>>>> WHERE x.key IN ['enrichment', 'classification'] | x] and length(path) < 5
>>>> RETURN rel;
>>> I've tried filtering at each potential distance in the path:
>>>> MATCH (topic: attribute)-[rel:describedBy|influences]-(node: attribute)
>>>> WHERE id(topic) IN [37,38]
>>> RETURN rel as rels
>>>> UNION
>>>> MATCH path=(topic: attribute)-[rel: 
>>>> describedBy|influences*1]-(intermediate:
>>>> attribute)-[rel: describedBy|influences*1..3]-(node: attribute)
>>>> WHERE id(topic) IN [37,38] AND NOT intermediate.key in ['enrichment',
>>>> 'classification'] and length(path) < 5
>>> RETURN rel as rels
>>>> UNION
>>>> MATCH path=(topic: attribute)-[rel: 
>>>> describedBy|influences*2]-(intermediate:
>>>> attribute)-[rel: describedBy|influences*1..2]-(node: attribute)
>>>> WHERE id(topic) IN [37,38] AND NOT intermediate.key in ['enrichment',
>>>> 'classification'] and length(path) < 5
>>> RETURN rel as rels
>>>> UNION
>>>> MATCH path=(topic: attribute)-[rel: 
>>>> describedBy|influences*3]-(intermediate:
>>>> attribute)-[rel: describedBy|influences*1..1]-(node: attribute)
>>>> WHERE id(topic) IN [37,38] AND NOT intermediate.key in ['enrichment',
>>>> 'classification'] and length(path) < 5
>>> RETURN rel as rels;
>>> I was hoping the 2nd match would stop paths that go
>>> (37)-[rel]-(32)-[rel*0..3]-(), where 32 has 'key':'enrichment', however it
>>> does not.
>>> Does anyone have any suggestions how I could formulate a query to stop
>>> following a path when it reaches a node with a specific key:value pair?
>>> Thank you for the help.
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