But the syntax is not correct, or?

MATCH (m:Page {node:'{*n1*}'}), (n:Page {node:'{*n2*}'})

-> remove the single quotes around the parameters.

On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Nigel Small <ni...@neotechnology.com>

> Following on from Michael's reply: in py2neo 1.6, you can pass parameters
> like this:
> query = neo4j.CypherQuery(
>     graph_db,
>     """MATCH (m:Page {node:'{*n1*}'}), (n:Page {node:'{*n2*}'}),
>     p = shortestPath((m)-[*..20]->(n)) RETURN p"""
> )
> query.execute(*n1*=node1, *n2*=node2)
> In py2neo 2.0, this will instead be:
> graph_db.cypher.execute(
>     """MATCH (m:Page {node:'{*n1*}'}), (n:Page {node:'{*n2*}'}),
>     p = shortestPath((m)-[*..20]->(n)) RETURN p""",
>     {"*n1*": node1, "*n2*": node2}
> )
> Nigel
> On 23 November 2014 at 21:09, Michael Hunger <
> michael.hun...@neotechnology.com> wrote:
>> After adding the constraint / index, did you also change your query to
>> include the :Page label?
>> query = neo4j.CypherQuery(
>>     graph_db,
>>     """MATCH (m:Page {node:'%s'}), (n:Page {node:'%s'}),     p = 
>> shortestPath((m)-[*..20]->(n)) RETURN p""" % (node1, node2)
>> )
>> Also I recommend not to use string substitution but cypher parameters
>> MATCH (m:Page {node:{node1}}), (n:Page {node:{node2}})
>> and then pass a dictionary with {'node1':node1, 'node2':node2}
>> On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 6:37 PM, Erika Arnold <era...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thank you for your suggestions. The database is about 5.5G on disk.
>>> I turned off auto indexing and applied the constraint on node id, but
>>> saw no discernible difference in response time. Perhaps the culprit is the
>>> pathfinding algorithm?
>>> When I ask for the shortest path between two nodes that I know are
>>> directly connected, why does the query take the same amount of time as for
>>> a path with 5 connections? Shouldn't it stop as soon as it finds node2 in
>>> the list of linked pages for node1?
>>> Additionally, even after placing the database on a memory-optimized EC2
>>> server with 15G RAM, the query still takes 30 seconds. It doesn't appear to
>>> be at max memory or CPU usage.
>>> I'm baffled at what to optimize next.
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