thanks Michael
i found when i use MapDbCachingIndexProvider,the old index isn't loaded, 
but when i use LuceneBatchInserterIndexProvider everything looks right.

在 2014年11月25日星期二UTC+8上午8时33分40秒,Michael Hunger写道:
> Good question, I don't know why it is not loaded. Is the index-cache via 
> mapdb still enabled ?
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 1:13 PM, 3in < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> i am using BatchInserter to update the graphdb in increments,like this:
>>         Config config = Config.convertArgumentsToConfig(args);
>>         File graphDb = new File(config.getGraphDbDirectory());
>>         BatchInserter db = createBatchInserter(graphDb, config);
>>         BatchInserterIndexProvider indexProvider = new 
>> LuceneBatchInserterIndexProvider(db);
>>         Collection<IndexInfo> indexInfos = config.getIndexInfos();
>>         if (indexInfos!=null) {
>>             for (IndexInfo indexInfo : indexInfos) {
>>                 BatchInserterIndex index = indexInfo.isNodeIndex() ? 
>> nodeIndexFor(indexInfo.indexName, indexInfo.indexType) : 
>> relationshipIndexFor(indexInfo.indexName, indexInfo.indexType);
>>                 indexes.put(indexInfo.indexName, index);
>>             }
>>         }
>>  ........
>>       long id = db.createNode(data.getProperties(),labelsFor(labels));
>>             for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : 
>> data.getIndexData().entrySet()) {
>>                 final BatchInserterIndex index = indexFor(entry.getKey());
>>                 if (index==null)
>>                     throw new IllegalStateException("Index 
>> "+entry.getKey()+" not configured.");
>>                 index.add(id, entry.getValue());
>>             }
>>             report.dots();
>>             if (report.getCount() % BATCH == 0) flushIndexes();
>>         }
>>         flushIndexes();
>>         *// i can search the new add node, but can't search the old 
>> nodes*
>> *        Long tmp_id = indexes.get("node_auto_index").get("name", 
>> "Selma2").getSingle();*
>> *        System.out.println("-------------id:" + tmp_id);*
>> before i update the graphdb using BatchInserter, the graphdb has 3 
>> million nodes and 4million relationships with node_auto_index。
>> i success to add nodes and relationships to graphdb.
>> and when i flush Indexes , i can search the new node with the 
>> node_auto_index
>> but i can't search the old 3 million nodes with the node_auto_index.
>> isn't the old index loaded in my program? why i can't read it ?
>> if i want to search some pattern nodes in the old graghdb , how can i do?
>> thank you 
>> -- 
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