there are 15M nodes and 150M relations in the db, i run the following cypher and it takes more than 200 secondes to get the result. machine cpu&memory is low. what should i do to improve? I'd appreciate some advise.
cypher: START me=node:node_auto_index(userId='32887522') MATCH (me)-[:RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_FRIEND]-(people)-[:RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_FRIEND]-(fof) RETURN fof,count(*) AS commonFriends ORDER BY commonFriends DESC LIMIT 100; and get the excute plan: ColumnFilter(symKeys=["fof", " INTERNAL_AGGREGATEeaff758c-8eda-498a-9366-9965f62d16fc"], returnItemNames=["fof", "commonFriends"], _rows=100, _db_hits=0) ==> Top(orderBy=["SortItem(Cached( INTERNAL_AGGREGATEeaff758c-8eda-498a-9366-9965f62d16fc of type Long),false)"], limit="Literal", _rows=100, _db_hits=0) ==> EagerAggregation(keys=["fof"], aggregates=["( INTERNAL_AGGREGATEeaff758c-8eda-498a-9366-9965f62d16fc,CountStar)"], _rows=3661, _db_hits=0) ==> TraversalMatcher(trail="(me)-[ UNNAMED62:RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_FRIEND WHERE true AND true]-(people)-[ UNNAMED99:RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_FRIEND WHERE true AND true]-(fof)", _rows=15470, _db_hits=15547) ==> ParameterPipe(_rows=1, _db_hits=0) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Neo4j" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit