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> Am 15.07.2015 um 20:10 schrieb Scott Werner <scott.werner...@gmail.com>:
> My objective is for full text case insensitive search on the node name 
> property.
> Should I be using indexes and constraints instead of using legacy lucene 
> indexing?
Not yet
> Do legacy features eventually get removed on newer releases?
Probably deprecated in 3.0 and removed in 4.0
> Does a cypher query with (?i).*<word>.* use the name property index?
> Cypher WHERE Case Insensitive Search with Wildcard
> CREATE INDEX ON :ProgrammingLanguage(name);
> CREATE (n:ProgrammingLanguage {name:"Python"});
> CREATE (n:ProgrammingLanguage {name:"Python 2.7"});
> CREATE (n:ProgrammingLanguage {name:"Python 3.4"});
> PROFILE MATCH (n:ProgrammingLanguage)
> WHERE n.name=~"(?i).*PYT.*"
> NodeByLabelScan = 9 estimated rows and 4 db hits
> Filter = 7 estimated rows and 6 db hits

This will get much worse the more total nodes with that label you have
If its only a few it doesn't matter so much

> Legacy Lucene Fulltext Search
> neo4j-shell -v -c "index --create node_auto_index -t Node"
> neo4j-shell -v -c "index --set-config node_auto_index type fulltext"
> neo4j-shell -v -c "index --get-config node_auto_index"
> CREATE (n:ProgrammingLanguage {name:"Python"});
> CREATE (n:ProgrammingLanguage {name:"Python 2.7"});
> CREATE (n:ProgrammingLanguage {name:"Python 3.4"});
> PROFILE START result=node:node_auto_index("name:*PYT*")
> RETURN result;
> NodeByLabelScan = 87 estimated rows \ 4 db hits
This will stay constant no matter how many total nodes, index lookup complexity 
is around log(n)

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