Hey Michael,

Sorry, I missed this question originally.

I can't tell from a quick glance at the code why your async.js-based 
concurrency control isn't working.

FWIW, the way we manage concurrency in our FiftyThree code is by taking 
advantage of Node's built-in support at its HTTP lib level.

https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_new_agent_options > see `maxSockets`

Basically, create a new http.Agent, set its `maxSockets` to whatever you 
want, and pass it as the `agent` option to node-neo4j's `GraphDatabase` 

That should do the trick. =)


On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 2:42:03 AM UTC-7, Michael Hunger wrote:
> Hi Aseem,
> I'm struggling a bit with concurrency in node and hope you could help me 
> there to point me in the right direction.
> Their original code used just a for loop to iterate over 100k document 
> id's and fire off all the individual load methods with a callback. As Neo 
> has no proper backpressure management as soon as our request pool + queue 
> got full, we didn't accept requests anymore until the first ones were 
> served (< 1ms).
> So I thought it would make sense to use "async" to manage concurrency. But 
> now it doesn't saturate the request queue anymore and most cores on the 
> machine are idle.
> Do you have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks so much !!
> Michael
> Here is the code:
> https://github.com/jexp/nosql-tests/blob/my-import/benchmark.js#L191
> here is how it looked before:
> https://github.com/jexp/nosql-tests/blob/2688849fe3cc3117f5c7f119ebaa2452cf678671/benchmark.js#L189
> Am 10.06.2015 um 16:08 schrieb Aseem Kishore <aseem....@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>>:
> No problem at all. Glad it helped!
> On Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 9:04:09 AM UTC-4, Frank Celler wrote:
>> Hi Aseem,
>> I have changed the tests and can confirm, that your node.js driver works 
>> as expected. I'm now able to restrict the number of connections and use 
>> keep-alive. That has indeed helped with the performance. I've updated the 
>> blog post accordingly.
>> Thanks a lot for all your help
>>   Frank
>> Am Dienstag, 9. Juni 2015 04:34:22 UTC+2 schrieb Aseem Kishore:
>>> Hi Frank,
>>> Author of "the" node-neo4j here.
>>> https://github.com/thingdom/node-neo4j
>>> Unfortunately, `npm install node-neo4j` is *not* this driver. It's a 
>>> different one. "This" node-neo4j is `npm install neo4j`. The version you 
>>> want is indeed 2.0.0-RC1.
>>> https://www.npmjs.com/package/neo4j
>>> You'll need to change your code from `new neo4j(...)` to `new 
>>> neo4j.GraphDatabase(...)`, and from `db.cypherQuery` to `db.cypher`. Full 
>>> API docs here for now:
>>> https://github.com/thingdom/node-neo4j/blob/v2/API_v2.md
>>> Now for the behavior you're seeing where a new connection is being made 
>>> for every query: that's really odd. What version of Node.js are you 
>>> running? Node 0.10 and up use Keep-Alive by default under load, so you 
>>> should not see that there:
>>> http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.36/docs/api/http.html#http_class_http_agent
>>> And Node 0.12 and io.js improve this support:
>>> https://iojs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_agent
>>> Nonetheless, node-neo4j v2 does let you pass your own custom http.Agent, 
>>> so you can control the connection pooling yourself if you like. E.g.:
>>> var http = require('http');
>>> var db = new neo4j.GraphDatabase({
>>>     url: 'http://...',
>>>     agent: new http.Agent({...}),
>>> });
>>> We run node-neo4j v2 on Node 0.10 in production at FiftyThree and are 
>>> pretty satisfied with the performance under load. (We use a custom agent to 
>>> isolate its connection pooling, and have its maxSockets currently set to 20 
>>> per Node process.) But perhaps you're exercising something different that 
>>> we're not aware of.
>>> Hope this helps though.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Aseem
>>> On Monday, June 8, 2015 at 3:12:02 AM UTC-4, Frank Celler wrote:
>>>> I changed the index to a constraint and updated the page-cache.
>>>> However, I'm still struggling with the node.js driver. I've tried the 
>>>> "node-neo4j", which you get in version 2.0.3 using "npm install 
>>>> node-neo4j". I've created the database link using
>>>>     var db = new neo4j('http://neo4j:abc@' + host + ':7474');
>>>> but when running a lot of db.cypherQuery, I ended up with a lot of 
>>>> connections in TIME_WAIT:
>>>>     $ netstat -anpt | fgrep TIME_WAIT | wc
>>>>     1014    7098   98358
>>>> So, it seems that connections are not keep open. Is there a way to 
>>>> specify this? For example, the MongoDB driver has a 'poolSize' argument, 
>>>> to 
>>>> specify how many connections should be keep open.
>>>> Thanks for your help
>>>>   Frank
>>>> Am Sonntag, 7. Juni 2015 14:25:34 UTC+2 schrieb Michael Hunger:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> It would have been very nice to be contacted before such an article 
>>>>> went out and not called out as part of the post to "defend yourself". 
>>>>> Just 
>>>>> saying.
>>>>> Seraph uses old and outdated, 2-year old APIs (/db/data/cypher and 
>>>>> /db/data/node) which are not performant 
>>>>> and also misses relevant headers (e.g. X-Stream:true) for those.
>>>>> It also doesn't support http keep-alive. 
>>>>> I would either use requests directly or perhaps node-neo4j 2.x, would 
>>>>> have to test though.
>>>>> Configuration for Neo4j also easy to improve, for your store 2.5G 
>>>>> page-cache memory should be enough.
>>>>> The warmup is also not sufficient.
>>>>> And running the queries once, i.e. cold caches are also a 
>>>>> non-production approach.
>>>>> I'm currently looking into it and will post an blog post with my 
>>>>> recommendations next week.
>>>>> As we all know benchmark tests are always well suited to the publisher 
>>>>> :)
>>>>> The index should be a unique constraint instead.
>>>>> Cheers, Michael
>>>>> Am 07.06.2015 um 12:33 schrieb Frank Celler <fce...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi Christophe,
>>>>> I'm Frank from ArangoDB. The author of the article, Claudius, is my 
>>>>> colleague - he currently not at his computer. Therefore, I try to answer 
>>>>> your questions. Please let me know, if you need more information. Any 
>>>>> help 
>>>>> with the queries is more than welcome. If we can improve them in any way, 
>>>>> please let us know.
>>>>> - we raised the ulimit as requested by neo4j when it started: open 
>>>>> files (-n) 40000
>>>>> - there is one index on PROFILES:
>>>>> neo4j-sh (?)$ schema
>>>>> Indexes
>>>>>   ON :PROFILES(_key) ONLINE  
>>>>> - as far as we understood, there is no need to create an index for 
>>>>> edges
>>>>> - we used "seraph" as node.js driver, because that was recommend in 
>>>>> the node user group
>>>>> - we set
>>>>> dbms.pagecache.memory=20g
>>>>> (we were told in talk, that this is nowadays the only cache parameter 
>>>>> that matters).
>>>>> - we started with 
>>>>> ./bin/neo4j start
>>>>> - JVM is
>>>>> java version "1.7.0_79"
>>>>> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_79-b15)
>>>>> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)
>>>>> Thanks for your help
>>>>>   Frank
>>>>> Am Freitag, 5. Juni 2015 19:25:09 UTC+2 schrieb Christophe Willemsen:
>>>>>> I have looked at their repository too. Most of the queries seems 
>>>>>> 'almost' correct, but there is no information concerning the real schema 
>>>>>> indexes, the configuration of the JVM etc.., also the results are the 
>>>>>> throughput so I wait for someone maybe more experimented in these kind 
>>>>>> of 
>>>>>> benchmarks in order to reply to it.
>>>>>> Le vendredi 5 juin 2015 04:32:59 UTC+2, Michael Hunger a écrit :
>>>>>>> I'm currently on the road but there are several things wrong with 
>>>>>>> it. Will look into more detail in the next few days
>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
>>>>>>> Am 04.06.2015 um 12:57 schrieb Andrii Stesin <ste...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Just ran into the following article (published supposedly today Jun 
>>>>>>> 04, 2015) which claims to contain comparison of benchmark results: 
>>>>>>> Native 
>>>>>>> multi-model can compete with pure document and graph databases 
>>>>>>> <https://www.arangodb.com/2015/06/multi-model-benchmark/> which 
>>>>>>> makes me think that there is something wrong with either their data 
>>>>>>> model 
>>>>>>> or with test setup, because results for Neo4j are surprisingly low.
>>>>>>> Am I the only one out there who feel the same?
>>>>>>> WBR,
>>>>>>> Andrii
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