I am afraid this is a very naive post but I really, really need some 
advice!I have an idea for a db application which I have mulled over for 
years, I started with a spreadsheet and quickly realised that flat-file was 
never going to work, moved to Access and eventually found out enough about 
relational systems to twig that I had so many join tables I was wasting my 
time. Finally,via MongoDB I got to the point where I found Neo4j - 
wonderful! I can see how this absolutely CAN work for my application. It 
won't be easy but it clearly can do it. So far, so good... My vision is a 
web interface so, in addition to the structure of the database (I can 
manage Cypher, practice is needed, but it works for me!) I need to be able 
to sort out the interface between Neo4j and the browser.

Now, my problem is that I am not a software man - I last wrote code in 1978 
and that was Fortran! I am utterly bewildered by the options! I suspect 
that I need to learn http coding to handle the browser pages (I will want 
to create both "simple" tick box options, rather like and estate agent's 
page: "price min/price max, garden yes/no etc" and also let people make 
more comples queries - in Cypher?) but it seems that I need Java as well - 
or is it python? Or Javascript? Ruby? Whichever way I go, would it help if 
I use Netbeans or Eclipse or is Spring especially suited to Neo??? I have 
watched tutorials, read pages of "stuff" but I still don't know.Precisely 
where do these REST API's come in

Clearly, my problem is that I am starting from scratch on all fronts, i 
accept that I may need to stop working on the actual database until I have 
a handle on the tools, that's fine - but which toolset? Can anyone direct 
me as to where to start? I don't care whether it is the best way so long as 
it is a route which is (relatively) straightforward and does not involve me 
in learning things I subsequently find I needn't have! Any help, pointers 
to reference material that link it all together would be much appreciated! 
Thank you in advance.

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