
The correction on the tx handling code fixed the problem so I dont exceed 
GC limit any more. Thank you very much!
Is it more efficient to manipulate the properties in cypher queries or in 
java? I realised I have a lot of transitive relationship and it took a very 
long time to process.
Also, usually how big should my batch be? I am currently using 1000 and it 
seems quite fast.

On Friday, 13 May 2016 12:41:38 UTC+1, Cherie Pun wrote:
> Thanks for the advice! I will try it out and let you know how it goes.
> The stack overflow answer is here: 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37126965/iterating-through-relationships-from-query-result-while-adding-new-relationship/37133192#37133192
> So I just copied that part of the code and modified to suit my need. I 
> might have done some incorrect modification though.
> I really appreciate your help, thank you very much!
> Kind regards,
> Cherie
> On 13 May, 2016 12:38 pm, "'Michael Hunger' via Neo4j" <
> neo4j@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> Filter in cypher what you return, and yes only return the props needed
>> For the batching you can also send in a list of maps on which you can 
>> store additional props or information. 
>> For concurrent execution neither guarantees uniqueness of rels but you 
>> execute one after another, so you have a guarantee with merge and create 
>> unique
>> Where did you find that answer on SO?
>> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
>> Am 13.05.2016 um 13:31 schrieb Cherie Pun <cherie.cy....@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for the quick reply. I returned the relationship because the 
>> property of the transitive relationship that I am trying to create depends 
>> on the property of the original two relationship. Should I have just 
>> returned the properties and node id to reduce data? There are two different 
>> types of transitive relationship I want to create: 1) assign the property 
>> of bc to ac 2) assign the product of the trust strength of ab and bc to ac. 
>> The tx-handling code was written according to answers from stack overflow 
>> as I don't have much knowledge in batch executing cypher queries. Thanks 
>> for correcting it.
>> I have read that merge does not guarantee uniqueness of relationship, so 
>> when should I use create unique and when I should I use merge? Thanks.
>> Kind regards,
>> Cherie
>> On 13 May, 2016 12:16 pm, "'Michael Hunger' via Neo4j" <
>> neo4j@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> Your tx-handling code looks wrong.
>> You should execute the whole batch of creating the connections in the 
>> other thread, Just grabbing the transaction there is very dangerous as the 
>> tx will be used that's attached to the current thread instead.
>> I also recommend batching in cypher, that makes it much easier:
>> Just send in a batch (e.g. 100k) list of pairs of id's as parameters and 
>> then do
>> pool.submit( () ->
>> Iterables.<Long>singleOrNull(db.execute("
>> UNWIND {data} as pair
>> MATCH (a),(b)  WHERE id(a) = pair[0] and id(b) = pair[1]
>> MERGE (a)-[:TRUST]->(b) RETURN count(*) as c;
>> ", batchOfIds()).columnAs("c"));
>> )).get()
>> If your return ab, bc then that's relationships? but in the other query 
>> you match nodes?
>> You should only return id(a),id(c) to minimize the data created.
>> > Am 13.05.2016 um 12:49 schrieb Cherie Pun <cherie.cy....@gmail.com>:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Thanks for your reply. By actual code do you mean all my files that are 
>> related? I have attached the main part of the code that does the querying 
>> underneath the stacktrace. The other files just defined strings for the 
>> property names and enum type for relationship and node.
>> >
>> > The query that I ran first was :
>> > private final String FIND_TRANSITIVE_RELATION_QUERY =
>> >         "MATCH (a:" + TwitterLabels.USERS + ") " +
>> >                 "- [ab:" + TwitterRelationships.TRUST + "] -> " +
>> >                 "(b:" + TwitterLabels.USERS + ") " +
>> >                 "- [bc:" + TwitterRelationships.TRUST + "] -> " +
>> >                 "(c:" + TwitterLabels.USERS + ")\n" +
>> >                 "WHERE a <> c\n" +
>> >                 "return ab, bc";
>> > Iterating through the result from the query, I then perform a another 
>> query that create a unique trust relationship between node a and c:
>> > private final String CREATE_UNIQUE_TRUST_RELATION_QUERY =
>> >         "MATCH (a:" + TwitterLabels.USERS + "),(b:" + 
>> TwitterLabels.USERS + ")\n" +
>> >                 "WHERE id(a) = {startNode} AND id(b) = {endNode} \n" +
>> >                 "CREATE UNIQUE (a) - [r:" + TwitterRelationships.TRUST 
>> + "] -> (b) \n" +
>> >                 "return r";
>> >
>> > The second query is being executed on another thread, and the thread 
>> commits the transaction for every 1000 queries.
>> >
>> > This executes fine until it processed 200,000 result and crashes 
>> because of gc limit reached. I did a heap dump and found out that the 
>> relationshipproxy objects were taking up most of the space.
>> >
>> > I hope that gives you sufficient information, please let me know if you 
>> need more explanation of my code.
>> >
>> > Kind regards,
>> > Cherie
>> >
>> >
>> > Can you share your actual code and queries
>> >
>> > Von meinem iPhone gesendet
>> >
>> > Am 12.05.2016 um 18:52 schrieb Cherie Pun <cherie.cy....@gmail.com>:
>> >
>> > > I am trying to iterate through the results from the first query and 
>> execute an extra cypher query for each result to either create or find the 
>> existing relationship. However I encountered GC overhead error and the 
>> stack trace is as followed. I thought running the queries in batch of 100 
>> will solve the memory problem but it seems that either it's using up the 
>> memory too quickly or not releasing the memory quick enough. It broke down 
>> after processing 200000 queries after I increased the batch size to 1000. 
>> Is there a way to optimise my query to reduce the memory used, or is there 
>> an alternative way to achieve the same result? Thanks.
>> > >
>> > > Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead 
>> limit exceeded
>> > >     at 
>> scala.collection.mutable.OpenHashMap.foreachUndeletedEntry(OpenHashMap.scala:226)
>> > >     at 
>> scala.collection.mutable.OpenHashMap.foreach(OpenHashMap.scala:219)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.ExecutionContext.foreach(ExecutionContext.scala:46)
>> > >     at 
>> scala.collection.TraversableOnce$class.foldLeft(TraversableOnce.scala:155)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.ExecutionContext.foldLeft(ExecutionContext.scala:33)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.frontend.v2_3.helpers.Eagerly$.mapToBuilder(Eagerly.scala:44)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.frontend.v2_3.helpers.Eagerly$.immutableMapValues(Eagerly.scala:37)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.ClosingIterator$$anonfun$next$1.apply(ResultIterator.scala:76)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.ClosingIterator$$anonfun$next$1.apply(ResultIterator.scala:72)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.ClosingIterator$$anonfun$failIfThrows$1.apply(ResultIterator.scala:121)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.ClosingIterator.decoratedCypherException(ResultIterator.scala:130)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.ClosingIterator.failIfThrows(ResultIterator.scala:119)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.ClosingIterator.next(ResultIterator.scala:72)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.ClosingIterator.next(ResultIterator.scala:50)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.PipeExecutionResult.next(PipeExecutionResult.scala:77)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.PipeExecutionResult$$anon$2.next(PipeExecutionResult.scala:70)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.PipeExecutionResult$$anon$2.next(PipeExecutionResult.scala:68)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.ExecutionResultWrapperFor2_3$$anon$1$$anonfun$next$1.apply(CompatibilityFor2_3.scala:234)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.ExecutionResultWrapperFor2_3$$anon$1$$anonfun$next$1.apply(CompatibilityFor2_3.scala:234)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.exceptionHandlerFor2_3$.runSafely(CompatibilityFor2_3.scala:116)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.ExecutionResultWrapperFor2_3$$anon$1.next(CompatibilityFor2_3.scala:234)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.ExecutionResultWrapperFor2_3$$anon$1.next(CompatibilityFor2_3.scala:229)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.javacompat.ExecutionResult.next(ExecutionResult.java:233)
>> > >     at 
>> org.neo4j.cypher.javacompat.ExecutionResult.next(ExecutionResult.java:55)
>> > >     at java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining(Iterator.java:116)
>> > >     at 
>> Neo4j.TrustCalculator.iterateAndExecuteBatchedInSeparateThread(TrustCalculator.java:239)
>> > >     at 
>> Neo4j.TrustCalculator.insertSimpleTransitiveTrust(TrustCalculator.java:127)
>> > >     at Neo4j.TrustCalculator.main(TrustCalculator.java:265)
>> > >     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>> > >     at 
>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
>> > >     at 
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
>> > >     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:483)
>> > >
>> > > private final String CREATE_UNIQUE_TRUST_RELATION_QUERY =
>> > >         "MATCH (a:" + TwitterLabels.USERS + "),(b:" + 
>> TwitterLabels.USERS + ")\n" +
>> > >                 "WHERE id(a) = {startNode} AND id(b) = {endNode} \n" +
>> > >                 "CREATE UNIQUE (a) - [r:" + 
>> TwitterRelationships.TRUST + "] -> (b) \n" +
>> > >                 "return r";
>> > >
>> > > private final String FIND_TRANSITIVE_RELATION_QUERY =
>> > >         "MATCH (a:" + TwitterLabels.USERS + ") " +
>> > >                 "- [ab:" + TwitterRelationships.TRUST + "] -> " +
>> > >                 "(b:" + TwitterLabels.USERS + ") " +
>> > >                 "- [bc:" + TwitterRelationships.TRUST + "] -> " +
>> > >                 "(c:" + TwitterLabels.USERS + ")\n" +
>> > >                 "WHERE a <> c\n" +
>> > >                 "return ab, bc";
>> > >
>> > > private ExecutorService createSinglePool() {
>> > >     return Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
>> > > }
>> > >
>> > > private void iterateAndExecuteBatchedInSeparateThread(int batchsize, 
>> Iterator iterator, Consumer consumer) {
>> > >     final int[] opsCount = {0};
>> > >     final int[] batchesCount = {0};
>> > >     ExecutorService executorService = createSinglePool();
>> > >     try {
>> > >         final Transaction[] workerTransaction = 
>> {executorService.submit(() -> graphDb.beginTx()).get()};
>> > >
>> > >         iterator.forEachRemaining(t -> executorService.submit(() -> {
>> > >             consumer.accept(t);
>> > >             if ((++opsCount[0]) % batchsize == 0) {
>> > >                 batchesCount[0]++;
>> > >                 workerTransaction[0].success();
>> > >                 workerTransaction[0].close();
>> > >                 workerTransaction[0] = graphDb.beginTx();
>> > >             }
>> > >         }));
>> > >         executorService.submit(() -> {
>> > >             workerTransaction[0].success();
>> > >             workerTransaction[0].close();
>> > >         }).get();
>> > >
>> > >     } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
>> > >          throw new RuntimeException(e);
>> > >     }
>> > > }
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > public void insertSimpleTransitiveTrust(){
>> > >     try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() )
>> > >     {
>> > >         Result results = graphDb.execute( 
>> FIND_TRANSITIVE_RELATION_QUERY, new HashMap<String, Object>() );
>> > >
>> > >         iterateAndExecuteBatchedInSeparateThread(1000, results, 
>> result-> insertOneSimpleTransitiveTrust((Map<String, Object>) result));
>> > >
>> > >         tx.success();
>> > >     }
>> > > }
>> > >
>> > > private void insertOneSimpleTransitiveTrust(Map<String, Object> map){
>> > >     Object object = map.get("ab");
>> > >     Relationship trustAb = (Relationship) object;
>> > >     object = map.get("bc");
>> > >     Relationship trustBc = (Relationship) object;
>> > >     if(trustAb.hasProperty(TwitterProperties.CONVERSATIONAL_TRUST) && 
>> trustBc.hasProperty(TwitterProperties.CONVERSATIONAL_TRUST)){
>> > >         Node nodeA = trustAb.getStartNode();
>> > >         Node nodeB = trustAb.getEndNode();
>> > >         Node nodeC = trustBc.getEndNode();
>> > >
>> > >         Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
>> > >         params.put("startNode", nodeA.getId());
>> > >         params.put("endNode", nodeC.getId());
>> > >         Result results = graphDb.execute( 
>> > >         if(results.hasNext()){
>> > >                 Map<String, Object> result = results.next();
>> > >                 object = result.get("r");
>> > >                 Relationship transitiveTrust = (Relationship) object;
>> > >                
>>  transitiveTrust.setProperty(TwitterProperties.SIMPLE_TRANSITIVE_TRUST, 
>> trustBc.getProperty(TwitterProperties.CONVERSATIONAL_TRUST));
>> > >         }
>> > >     }
>> > > }
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > --
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