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Following is what I created in Neo4j:

Nodes: Customer Names, Customer Address and Customer Contact

Linked these nodes based on common relationships between all three.

Data Model -> 

(a:Address)<-[:ADDRESS_AT]-(p:Person {name: '...'})-[:CONTACT_AT]->(c:Contact)

I can see all three nodes linked in Neo4j. Contact contain email and phone 
numbers so some cases customer name node is connected to email address, 
phone number and address.

In my learning curve I am asked to show how many same Contact (email, phone 
no) are used by different customer names also how many same address used by 
different customer names. Based on my little experience I tried few queries 
but couldn't  reach to results.

Tried following query ->

MATCH (person:Person)-[:CONTACT_AT]->(contact:Contact)
RETURN contact, COLLECT(person.name) AS names;

MATCH (person:Person)-[:ADDRESS_AT]->(address:Address)
RETURN address, COLLECT(person.name) AS names;

I tried with LIMIT 100 and 1000 but all addresses have only one node on 
display. Is it possible to display only the addresses that are linked to 
more than one customer names? Same for contact it is showing only one to 
one relationships.
I would like to limit query to show One Address used by Multiple Persons 
and One Contact (email, Phone No) used by Multiple Persons but no one to 
one relationship. 

Please guide. Thanks.

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