So here's the deal, I'm using Neo4J 3.01 and I have a graph with nodes of 
type Action which have amongst other links and properties the following two:
Type: [Comment,Reply,Vote etc]
Date:[epoch timestamp]
I am attempting to run a cypher query that returns a sorted list of nodes 
ordered by the date field but collapsing (Collect?) sequential items of the 
same type
So for the following nodes:


I would hope to get something like:


I attempted a simple collect and order cypher query:

> Match (a:Action) 
> with a.type as type, a  order by limit 20
> return  type, collect(a) as actions

 but this seems to collect each type in its own group regardless of the 
sequence, so the actual result is something like:


Any Ideas of how to acheive this using cypher? I have tried different means 
of collect and sorts but to no avail

Any help would be great

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