Hi Nigel, I'm not sure but what I've seen is that there is a neo4j.Session 
thread that it's trying to do a 'begin' on a session worker that is already 
How can I know who is doing that operation that is triggering that thread 
and why it's trying to begin an already started session worker?

El jueves, 4 de agosto de 2016, 18:49:42 (UTC-3), Nigel Small escribió:
> Hi Matias
> It's hard to tell without seeing some code. What concurrency are you 
> referring to?
> I do think we need to fix that error though - it's very unhelpful to a 
> typical application developer. Coincidentally, we're currently working on 
> this part of the code so I'll make sure we improve the error message!
> Nigel
> On 3 August 2016 at 20:03, Matias Burak <mbu...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Hi, anyone knows why I am getting this error?
>> 'beginning implicit transaction' cannot be done when a session is in the 
>> 'IN_TRANSACTION' state.
>> This is using java-driver v1.0.4 and bolt 3.0.4
>> It looks that this is happening when the driver is doing a hasNext.
>> Is that starting an implicit transaction? 
>> I think it might have to do with concurrent bolt calls to do certain 
>> operations? It's weird....
>> -- 
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