We are working with the latest 3.1 version, we have a database of around 
3.5M nodes and 100M relationships.
Doing some basic queries is very slow that makes the application unusable.

neo4j-sh (?)$ profile MATCH (n1:`Club`)<-[r1:CLUB]-(n:`Player`) WHERE 
n.`international` = true RETURN COUNT(*) AS `Count`;
| Count   |
| 2181771 |
1 row
28676 ms

Compiler CYPHER 3.1

Planner COST


| Operator          | Estimated Rows | Rows    | DB Hits | Variables   | 
Other                                         |
| +ProduceResults   |           1027 |       1 |       0 | Count       | 
Count                                         |
| |                 
| +EagerAggregation |           1027 |       1 |       0 | Count       |   
| |                 
| +Filter           |        1054596 | 2181771 | 4872405 | n, n1, r1   | 
n.international == {  AUTOBOOL0} AND n:Player |
| |                 
| +Expand(All)      |        2445865 | 2445865 | 2445868 | n, r1 -- n1 | 
(n1)<-[r1:CLUB]-(n)                           |
| |                 
| +NodeByLabelScan  |              3 |       3 |       4 | n1          | 
:Club                                         |

Total database accesses: 7318277

There are around 2.3M players and 3 clubs. 
It's taking 28secs the first time, then in takes around 9-10 secs.
It's really annoying because it's a very simple query.
Is there anything we are doing wrong? Is this something we can do about or 
it's the expected behaviour? This is running on a 16gbRAM machine, getting 
more RAM is the only way to improve it?


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