Yes, i didn't use RestGraphDB in my plugin. I used it in my test project 
for connection from Intellij idea project to neo4j database. Database 
consists of about 50K nodes and 100K relationships. 

I'm running neo4j 3.3.1. For plugin creation use neo4j-kernel 3.3.1 .

For test i created a procedure below. It finds paths from one point to 
another including at least one point from a set of 3 points. Traverser 
spend too much time to find this paths. 17-20s.  
And i really need bidirectional. And the graph later will be much more 
bigger (millions elements). 

May be i need to change smth in neo4j properties? I dont know.
My RAM 8G. 

@Procedure(value = "mytraverser.pathIncludingAtLeastOneNode")
public void createIncludingAtLeastOneNode(@Name("startPoint") String 
startPoint, @Name("endPoint") String endPoint) {

    try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) {
        TraversalDescription td = db.traversalDescription().depthFirst()
                .relationships(RelationshipTypes.rel, Direction.BOTH)
                .evaluator(Evaluators.includingDepths(0, 10));

        Traverser tr = td
 "id", "9149892904013846978").getId())))
                .evaluator(new PathEvaluator.Adapter() {
                    public Evaluation evaluate(Path path, BranchState 
branchState) {
                        if (path.length()==0) return 
                        else {
                            ArrayList<Node> listNode = new ArrayList<>();
                            for (Node n:path.nodes()){
(listNode.contains(db.getNodeById(db.findNode(Labels.nodes, "id", 
"9149892904013846972").getId())) ||
listNode.contains(db.getNodeById(db.findNode(Labels.nodes, "id", 
"9149892904013846980").getId())) ||
listNode.contains(db.getNodeById(db.findNode(Labels.nodes, "id", 
"9149892904013846974").getId()))) {
                                return Evaluation.INCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE;
                            } else {
                                return Evaluation.EXCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE;
                .sort(new PathSorting("weight"))
                .traverse(db.getNodeById(db.findNode(Labels.nodes, "id", 

        createPath(tr, "IncludingAtLeastOneNode");

среда, 31 января 2018 г., 14:59:09 UTC+3 пользователь Michael Hunger 
> Can you share your full code somewhere? 
> RestGraphDB should not be used. 
> Which version are you runnign on? 
> Your plugin doesn't do anyting you have to actually use the traverser to 
> extract the nodes or paths. 
> Do your really need 10 levels of bidirectional (BOTH!) relationships? That 
> is potentially billions of paths. 
> You can add a counter in the relationship-expander to see how many rels 
> are hit. 
> Can't you just use shortestpath? 
> > Am 31.01.2018 um 10:45 schrieb Svetlana Usacheva < 
> <javascript:>>: 
> > 
> > Hello! I have a problem with my plugin. Firstly, i tried work with my 
> database of 150K elements from my app using RestGraphDatabase for 
> connection. Implementation  takes about 3 s. Then i built jar and put it in 
> folder "plugins". So now i can use my procedures from plugin, but they work 
> much slower (about 17 s). Can i speed up my plugin and how i can do it? 
> >   
> > Procedures looks like that: 
> > 
> >     import org.neo4j.procedure.Context; 
> >     import org.neo4j.procedure.Description; 
> >     import org.neo4j.procedure.Name; 
> >     import org.neo4j.procedure.Procedure; 
> > 
> >     public class MyTraverser{ 
> > 
> >     @Context 
> >     public GraphDatabaseService db; 
> > 
> >     @Procedure(value = "path") 
> >     @Description("createPath") 
> >     public void createPath(@Name("startPoint") String startPoint, 
> @Name("endPoint") String endPoint) { 
> > 
> >         try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { 
> >             TraversalDescription td = 
> db.traversalDescription().depthFirst() 
> >                     .uniqueness(Uniqueness.NODE_PATH) 
> >                     .relationships(RelationshipTypes.rel, 
> Direction.BOTH) 
> >                     .evaluator(Evaluators.includingDepths(0, 10)); 
> > 
> >             Traverser tr = td 
> >                     
> .evaluator(Evaluators.includeWhereEndNodeIs(endPoint) 
> >                     .traverse(startPoint); 
> > 
> >             tx.success(); 
> >         } 
> >     } 
> > } 
> > 
> > -- 
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