You do not need the spatial plugin to calculate the distance because Cypher
has a built-in function for this. For example, assuming you have two places
labelled Place with unique identifier 'key' and the coordinates are 'x' and

    MATCH (a:Place {key:1}), (b: Place {key:2})
    RETURN distance(point({latitude: a.y, longitude: a.x}), point({latitude:
b.y, longitude: b.x})) / 1000.0 as km

If the node's properties are 'latitude' and 'longitude' instead of 'y' and
'x', you can simplify this to:

    MATCH (a:Place {key:1}), (b: Place {key:2})
    RETURN distance(point(a), point(b)) / 1000.0 as km

This simplification is relying on the fact that nodes look like Maps
(dictionaries). Not that if you use this syntax with 'x' and 'y', the point
function will think you are *not* talking about geographic points, but
cartesian points and give you a different answer, so take care. The
geographic distance function assumes locations are in degrees and will
return the answer in meters. The cartesian distance function will not
perform any assumption of units and do a simply pythagoras calculation
returning the distance in whatever units x and y have.

If you really want to use the spatial plugin, the syntax is a bit more
complex because that is a data modelling library and you need to first
define a mapping from node properties to points (called a layer), and then
add the nodes to the layer (where they get indexed), and finally perform
the function on them. Much more work, and only worth doing it if you have
much more complex spatial/GIS plans in mind.

On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 6:21 AM, ahmad Reza <> wrote:

> Hi Guys
> I have a database and want to find the distance between tow node. I have
> the Lattitude(y) and Longitude (x) for each one and the query language is
> cypher. I have added the spatial neo4j plugin but I don't know the query.
> Thank you so much.
> --
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