Hi everyone, 

I'm a data scientist and I'm new to graph database, my use case is little 
different and I have not found any satisfactory results or how to solve my 
problem using neo4j. I want to store the document similarity in graph using 
bidirectional relation between nodes. The problem that I'm facing is that I 
can't store integer as a relationship. 

My main motive of using neo4j is to store the similarity score between two 
or more than two documents, the structure is like


The interpretation goes like this :
doc1 is 98% similar to doc2 and 94% similar to doc3.  

I can’t use any other database because the database is updating everyday, 
and second new documents are coming everyday to the database. So, I just 
have to create a bidirectional relationship between the existing graph new 
nodes. The third reason I’m using graph database is that I have more than 1 
billion documents and 3000-4000 docs are adding to the database on daily 

The problem I encountered is that I can’t store the numbers as a 
relationship, neo4j is not accepting this format:

It’s only expecting this format:

My question is how can I solve this problem, because I only have similarity 
score in number(float) and my main task is to query top n most similar doc 
based on the similarity score?


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