I'm working with a data model where entities have a set of common 


Deleted property is null until entity is soft-deleted, then null is set to 
time stamp value.
I'm using merge to avoid creating new entity if an existing one has the 
same name:

merge (x:Thing{name: $name}) on create set created=timestamp()

This works fine until entity is deleted:

match (x:Thing{name: "someName"}) set x.deleted=timestamp();

I would like to add deleted property to merge criteria but I'm not sure how 
to do that.
Something like this (not a valid query):

merge (x:Thing{name EQUALS $name AND deleted IS NULL}) on create set 

That way I could create new entity only if name does not exist or it exists 
but entity has been deleted.
I would appreciate any help in this matter.


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