
    I can hear the groans from here, but here I go. I have a Dell CPiA366 notebook.
I have used Windows (9x, NT4 and 2000 Pro) and Sco UnixWare 7+. I am interested
in learning about Linux. I feel the need to get out from under Mr. Gate's billion 
thumb. I have RedHat v6.1 on my system running and I have everything functional
except the audio systems. I have done some digging and have located alot of misc. info
relating to this, but I was wondering if there is someone who has the patience to help 
get this worked out a bit faster/easier. I am running kernel v2.2.12-20. I have 
kernel-2.2.17-14.i686 but have not attempted to update the kernel yet. According to 
I can find out there, the fix for this has been incorporated into the v2.2.13 and 
newer kernel.
I think. Is this true? I downloaded the update from Xfree86.org. Is this correct, or 
do I get
the kernel update from RedHat? I have a (very) vague idea how Linux is distributed. It 
just that there are so many versions (RedHat, Suse & etc.) that I am not sure who gets 
from where to get updated. But I am reading and experimenting non-stop. I am studying 
the kernel, my only experience in kernel updates being with UnixWare. ANY help will be 
appreciated! I am beginning to overflow my brain buffers.

Thanks you,

Doug La Gasse

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