Hello Hans,

    I do not have an "advanced" tab in my BIOS (or, if I do, it does not
include video options). However, in the time since I posted the message I
found the solution, which I'll post for the benefit of other Sony users:


System : Sony Laptop - PCG-F 490 - Windows 98 SE

Problem : Startup in 640x480 text mode (80x25 resolution), "boxed" in LCD
with black area (full screen area is 640x480).

Solution: to restore the default (pixelated) 80x25 fullscreen (1024x768)
text bootup mode, press F2 on startup, enter the BIOS (Phoenix) settings
and, on the last tab, "restore defaults".

Be aware that there is no explicit video setting in this BIOS setup, but
restoring "all" the defaults seems to restore the machine to its original
state. Most likely you will have to set your password preferences (if you
had boot password enabled) and boot order (if you no longer have the
default). It is unlikely that you might have had any need to tinker with the


This is quite a necessity if you do linux presentations in text mode and you
do not want to force yourself to sit 30 cms from the screen to be able to
read it! (yes, of course you could compile the framebuffer into the kernel,
but it still sucks to see the screen "framed" in black....)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Hans Öfverbeck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 5:08
Subject: Re: [Neomagic] Strange issue with Neomagic MagicMedia256XL+

> Hello Federico,
> On my laptop there is an option called "Compensation" which in the
> enabled state stretches the original 640x480 to fullscreen (1024x768). I
> do not use this option since the resolution is still only 640x480 and
> the output on screen looks bad (in my opinion). On my laptop with a
> PhoenixBIOS you can find this setting under:
> Advanced -> Video Features ->  Compensation
> If this is the problem then X ought still be working in fullscreen mode,
> is it ?
> A second solution which actually gives you true 1024x768 resolution on
> console is to use VESA framebuffer, this however involves recompiling
> the kernel (at least it did in my woody setup) and you have to give the
> proper arguments to the kernel at boot time. Two specific examples with
> links to more information can be found at these pages:
> http://www.acer.com.mx/linux/notebooks/extensa710TE/acer710TE.html#video
> http://mathphys.fsk.uni-heidelberg.de/~mfluch/tp770.html
> Regards
> Hans Ö
> Federico Lucifredi wrote:
> >Hello Everyone,
> >    My problem is on a Sony Laptop (PCG-F490) fitted with the Neomagic
> >MagicMedia256XL+.
> >
> >    Both Windows (98 SE) and Linux (Debian Potato) work fine. So does X.
> >
> >    Then one day I was cleaning the keyboard with the machine powered
off. I
> >accidentally turned it on while cleaning the keys but did not think much
> >it, since the the password screen and lilo prevented all those keystrokes
> >from getting to either OS and do damage.
> >
> >    However, damage was done =(. The card used to work in full screen
> >1024x768) when in the default text startup mode (80x25). Now it does so,
> >in a "boxed" screen at 640x480 (still 80x25).
> >
> >    I cannot find any documentation on how to set the $#%$^% startup
> >mode. I know F2 gives the bios screen, but it contains nothing of sorts,
> >I have no idea what was pressed to cause sucha mess :-[
> >
> >    This is not a big issue under windoes, where the machine switches to
> >"large" grafic mode automatically, but it is very annoying in Linux,
> >working in text mode is now a challenge.
> >
> >    aNY IDEAS ? What video mode do I need to set to get 80x25 at 1024x768
> >Does such a thing even exist or do I need to find what flag in the grafic
> >adapter decides how the system starts up ?
> >
> >    Any help would be very appreciated - I tried all of the simplest
> >(changing the set resolution, hoping that a few other things might reset
> >card's behaviour to no avail.....
> >
> >-F
> >
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