Hello everyone.

My friend Vyacheslav Sokolov, a great Nixie/plasma collector, builded a
clock on these tubes a long time ago. Unfortunately, now he`s too busy to
write a complete article of using them, so here I put my reduced translate
of his post introducing the project.

"I think, nobody will make something on these lamps because of the dfficulty
of powering and their rarity.
I only decided to write about them to let you know, what they are.
The lamp need three power voltages, excluding main TTL controlling. I used:
1. -230V

To quicken the developing I used the mains voltage :D.
The control is rather simple.
First seven grids are segment grids, they`re powered from TTL-levels, it is
very useful.
Then the voltage is given to the second grid, the control grid for each
tube, TTL again.
That`s OK, the tube is lit as we wanted.
But to turn the tube off, we should drop the voltages of the first and
second ANODES to the ground.
Such system is rather useful from the side of programming. No dynamic
indication, scanning, no strobe effect.
At first some tubes didn`t work correctly, some segments didn`t light up,
but it was OK in twenty minutes."

That`s all this time. In addition I can say, that in the photo we see no
transistors, so, probably (I don`t have a circuit diagram) he connected
control grids to the registers/MCU directly.
If it is needed, I can translate the pinout fully. Also I`ll ask Vyacheslav
further design questions, if they are :).
The indication block from submarine I told you yesterday is still waiting
for photographing, I hope, I will bi able to do it tomorrow.
And the photo, the only photo of Vyacheslav`s clock:
http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/6353/its1a.jpg. I`ll ask him to make
more, of course.

Best regards,
Dmitry Dianov.

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