On Feb 12, 9:33 pm, Tony Adams <sa...@amt-electronics.com> wrote:
> Unfortunately I am in the UK and looking for at least another two
> 7971s but can't afford them just now.
> B.Bamber - I remember buying surplus junk from them back in the early
> 80s I think, but back then nobody wanted nixies. Another surplus
> seller had bags of miniature nixies 10 or 15 for £1, at least I did
> buy a couple of those just in case they came in handy one day....

2 for a quid including sockets. Blimey! Cheapest I ever got them was
about 2 quid each from HL Smiths (or was it GW Smiths - HL was in
Edgware Road, GW was in Lisle Street), Bulls, Proops (TCR) or some-

I was 9 or 10 at the time.


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