Indeed, I see you got it right :)
Anyhow, I got it all fixed. I just lowered the power supply to 180V.
Of course, I had to recalculate all the anode resistors (finally have
individal anode resistors), but the blanking now works just fine.
But still, I don't understand why I should blank one nixie in an anode
pair, like Adam suggested. Also, sequence like that will cut the duty
cycle by half, meaning I would need to increase the current peak, and
lower the tube life. It does seem to work fine as is.

> Ok, Good luck.
Thanks a lot!

On Mar 22, 11:27 pm, Cobra007 <> wrote:
> It's an interesting combination those 2 npn transistors. The signal on
> the base is actually inverted compared to "normal" npn/pnp
> transistors. When T2, T3, T5 are switched off, the tubes are actually
> on :-). That's also where your leakage problem comes from if you ask
> me. You choose 220k resistors, which means the lowest possible anode
> voltage is half the supply voltage (215V / (220k + 220k)) * 220k =
> 107.5V. You better choose a lower resistor that goes to the collector
> of T2, T3, T5 (maybe 100k). This will bring the anode voltage down to
> about 68V.
> I don't have a price yet for my modules, they won't be expensive of
> course but I need to wait until I have a finished product.
> Michel
> On Mar 23, 5:00 am, Imbanon <> wrote:
> > Sorry about that. I thought it was an universal shematic file type,
> > 'cause they are all .sch
> > Here's the pic
> > Cheers
> > On Mar 22, 4:14 pm, Adam Jacobs <> wrote:
> > > Would you mind converting that schematic to some kind of image file? Is
> > > that an eaglecad file?
> > > blanking on the 74141 will cause leakage if the supply voltage is too
> > > high. Are you using real 74141's or the russian kind?
> > >  From that picture, I'm not sure if that is leakage.
> > > -Adam
> > > On 3/22/2012 5:19 AM, Imbanon wrote:
> > > > Hey all
> > > > I found some time to make a schematic. It only shows the two 74141,
> > > > nixie tubes and anode drivers.
> > > > I also tried blanking nixies via 74141. I would have never guessed
> > > > that you meant on hex code, as I am doing this on an arduino :)
> > > > Blanking nixies with 74141's give me a lot of leaking (or at least I
> > > > think thats leaking), so I'm not so sure about using this method. But
> > > > I do think that it's maybe possible to divide the leaking to the rest
> > > > of the nixies by adding a resistor for each anode, instead of sharing
> > > > them. See for yourself in the links.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > So I guess my next move should be to remove the trimpots, and replace
> > > > them with actual resistors for each anode.
> > > > But what should I do with the blanking? To be honest, I would leave
> > > > the setup as is, because it seems to work fine. But if you guys think
> > > > I can do something better to get a longer tube life, I will make
> > > > changes to the schematic immediately.
> > > > Thanks!
> > > > On Mar 19, 12:04 am, Dylan Distasio<>  wrote:
> > > >> I'm very interested in hearing more about this module...Are you saying 
> > > >> you
> > > >> are having this custom manufactured?  If so, how have you found a way 
> > > >> to do
> > > >> this economically?
> > > >> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Cobra007<>  wrote:
> > > >>> For my clock I am designing a module as I am not really a fan to use
> > > >>> these types of old TTL logic. It's a 24 pin module that fits into a
> > > >>> DIP24 IC socket. It basically mimics the 74141 but has high voltage
> > > >>> output mosfets (240V) and the 4 inputs can be latched, so you don't
> > > >>> need extra latches as required by the standard 74141. It also offers a
> > > >>> blanking input, either by writing 0x0a or using a dedicated pin (which
> > > >>> is convenient for PWM dimming). It can be interfaced with MCU or
> > > >>> arduino.
> > > >>> Michel

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