On 15 Apr 2012, at 21:12, David Forbes wrote:
> The DS2321 is not a real part, according to Google. The DS1307 is.
> It's true that you don't need a pullup on SCL, since it's only ever driven by 
> the CPU. But the SDA line changes direction between writing the pot address 
> and reading the data. It will drift to an invalid state without a pullup, 
> which may cause problems unless you do some clever software hacks such as 
> ensuring that the SDA input is ignored unless it's actively being driven by 
> the RTC chip.
> Feel free to experiment with I2C with no pullup resistor, but you might want 
> to use an oscilloscope to show you what happens to the SDA line when it 
> changes direction.

The part is a DS3231 David. I finally realised that the data line is 
bidirectional and on a PIC read it will be floating in the breeze so I 
understand now. I must have been being particularly dense yesterday. I am sure 
I will find room for some pullups.

Grahame thanks for finding the 125mW resistors at Farnell. Somehow when I 
choose 125mW in the parametric search it only shows up one wired resistor, an 
out of stock US part at a crazy price, 1885813.

When doing small PCB designs it always seems the biggest space hog is clearance 
for the mounting holes.

Thanks to all who helped,

John S

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