> I reckon I am quids in here - I am 62 years old - [...]  I reckon the clocks 
> I make now (given the average human lifetime) will be safe with either type 
> of drive!

I have some good news for you.  The oft-quoted "average human lifetime" is from 
birth, and includes all those people that die young.  However, you weren't
just born, you're past all that stuff.  Which means the "average human 
lifetime" no longer applies to you.  People that have made it to 50 can't die 
younger than
50, so their entire distribution is pushed forward.  The average age of death 
for living 50-year-olds is much higher than the average age of death of 
At 62, this applies more strongly.  Granted, not many people make it to 150, 
but a fair chunk of us older folks can expect to see our hundredth birthday.

- John

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