BARBEQUE?? That came out of my fingers as "Because"...

On Tuesday, 27 November 2012 19:30:50 UTC, MrNixie (UK) wrote:
> Hmm, I think you need to give us a bit more info - your proposed circuit, 
> supply voltage, etc. The mosfet and inductor won't complain much at 100C, 
> but your LEDs might start to! And any electrolytic caps wont be winning any 
> Long Service awards at those temperatures... Is the Mosfet running at this 
> temp barbecue it is dissipating power, or is just in a hot place to begin 
> with?
> Make sure you are indeed switching the Mosfet cleanly - check the Vgs 
> curves in the spec sheet. Remember that at high frequencies, the gate of a 
> mosfet just looks like a capacitor - you really have to DRIVE current in to 
> it - are you relying solely on the output of the SMPS IC?
> Re series and parallel LED combinations - general rule of thumb is to 
> arrange your LED load closest to the supply voltage, so that your SMPS is 
> not having to step up or down too far from the supply rail, in either 
> direction. You will see losses if you go for a very low voltage but high 
> current output, or vice-versa
> My two milliamps' worth -

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