Glad I could help :o)

The next test will be to see how much the channel set to operate at a 
frequency of 100Hz will behave!  Depending on the Q factor of the filters 
you are using you may need to go one side or the other of 100Hz by a few Hz.


Tim, spot on!
> I finished testing and had a nice pile of mis-behaving tubes that would 
> "snatch" to the other end on the first glimpse of FSD and jump about during 
> ascent and descent. I de-soldered one leg of my reservoir cap so they have 
> a nice 100Hz ripply supply and they all, instantly, work perfectly! The 
> tubes are slightly (only slightly) dimmer and the tops develop a hazy arrow 
> instead of a sharp end to the bar but they slide up and down smoothly 
> and don't seem to mis-behave at all.
> I am still, however, convinced that most of mine are some argon-neon mix 
> which is a bit annoying as the few that are true bright orange neon are 
> lovely...
> Cheers guys,
> - Alex

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