Couldn't have said it better. I don't get why people have to make a fuss. If you don't wanna see it, don't look.

Well I have a BFA dual majors in Ceramics and Printmaking. I can't ever
remember any of my friends having discussions about circles striving to be
squares etc.  For the most part we were normal people and not pretentious
at all, of course we were in Ada Ohio, far away from the big city art
scenes.  I looked at the Bruce Nauman Neon, it didn't upset me, evidently
I am not a prude. I have seen other neon that I liked much more. I showed
the 69ers to my wife who is an Ex Catholic Nun. She had no problems with
it. She is quite open minded and has a great sense of humor.
   I was more interested in the neon messages on the wall. I could not read
the messages but even so the layout and colors were pleasing. The
rotating sculpture did not impress me at all.
   In life I have much more problems with narrow minded intolerant people
trying to push their narrow views of the world on to the rest of us.
This goes for fundementalists and extremists of all ilks. Religious,
Political, moral etc.
                                                        Tim L.

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