Hi John,
As long as the sender packs them adequately to prevent the glass envelopes 
breaking, you shouldn't have any problems getting them shipped into the UK. 
Take a look on eBay to check the prices that you're being quoted are 
reasonable. There are no import restrictions to the UK which have ever 
affected me. However, if the package is given a customs value in excess of 
£18 there's a chance Royal Mail will spot it and charge you 20% VAT + their 
iniquitous £8 handling fee.
Nothing to do with shipping, but as a general principle with dekatrons do 
be aware that the exotic high speed ones have a significant dud rate due 
to loss of their magic fill gases in storage. Stick to nice slow speed neon 
ones and you should be fine.

On Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:59:27 AM UTC, electrofish wrote:

> Hello
> as a relatively new starter with nixie etc I want to buy some IN14s and 
> dekatrons.
> I am based in the UK and have been looking at UK suppliers with only two 
> that I can find.
> One is out of stock.
> I have found some abroad in another EU country, which are much cheaper, 
> but I'm not sure on two things.
> 1.  Do they survive well travelling in the mail?
> 2.  Are there any import restrictions to the UK due to the content ie neon 
> etc?
> Sorry if they seem stupid questions.
> Regards
> John

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