On Thursday, 4 July 2013 21:50:43 UTC+1, Matthew Cameron wrote:

> The neat thing is that if nixie tube production becomes continuous again, 
> we will not need the long life that mercury provides.   
> Maybe I am being too hopeful, but I think that smaller groups 
> manufacturing their own stuff will become easier in the coming 
> decades, not harder. 

Without Hg doping, a tube's life is very short. As these tubes are 
essentially individually hand built and not mass-produced, the estimated 
per-piece price is well over USD 100. The process is complex and 

Nobody is going to be very happy at paying that sort of money for a tube to 
use in a clock that has to be replaced every year.

Realistically, Hg doping is the way forward (as it was in the past as 


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