On 01/04/2014 10:01 AM, chuck richards wrote:
> Thanks for posting that John!  I have checked their
> site a few times before, and it looks like they've
> now added many more items.

You're welcome.

> By the way, have you put any more of the 4-wheeled
> boom boxes out of commission lately?  Always interested
> to hear more about documented kills.

Unfortunately, no.  For those just now tuning in, what Chuck is
referring to is an EMP weapon I built using 4 microwave oven magnetrons,
a waveguide and feed horn and a high voltage capacitor discharge pulsed
power supply.  It was designed to kill the stereo in a car that drove
past my restaurant every day with the boom boom stereo turned up loud
enough that it vibrated stuff off the shelves in the dining room.

It was very effective.  One shot, one kill.  I pressed the button from
my roof-mounted perch where I could aim the horn down through his
passenger side window and...  Nothing.  Silence.  Peace.  Stalled
engine.  The engine restarted but the stereo was down for the count.

Anyway, between the time I moved up here to Tellico and the time I
started moving my shop and lab, my health deteriorated to the point that
I was about 6 months into the move, about half done when scrappers broke
into the building and stole everything.  My neon shop, the electronics
lab, even the copper wiring in the walls.  All gone.

I've built a new (much smaller) lab in a spare bedroom where I design
induction heaters (http://www.fluxeon.com).  I'm saving my money to put
a prefab building on my adjacent lot and that will be for the neon and
glass lab.  Maybe about next fall.

I had a friend donate almost a complete neon shop to the effort so the
equipment is packed in boxes in the basement, awaiting the new building.

The health problem turned out to be a collapsed lung and paralyzed
diaphragm caused by a bulging disk at C5.  That's where the nerves that
drive the left diaphragm muscle exit the spine.  I'm strapped to an
oxygen concentrator but other than that, OK.

Speaking of oxygen concentrators, I had 5 of them in my neon shop.  4
got stolen.  I used them to enrich the air going to my gas/air fires.
That made the fires hot enough to work Pyrex without having to have a
pure oxygen source.  Since they sell used for $2-300 and typically make
5 liters per minute of 90% oxygen, that's a very cheap method of hotting
up your glassworking fires.


John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
http://www.fluxeon.com      <-- THE source for induction heaters
http://www.neon-john.com    <-- email from here
http://www.johndearmond.com <-- Best damned Blog on the net
PGP key: wwwkeys.pgp.net: BCB68D77

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