@Dylan - This video gives more of a peek at the things, from barely
working to functional. The video description goes into more detail
about the circuit. Youtube length restrictions on the description
forced me to edit the text, lemme know and I can email the full text
to you or post it.
Lots of sound samples along the way as well.


@Grahame Marsh - I have been going back over your rather detailed PDF
on the trigger tube clock, as well as the J B Dance info. Downloaded
the stuff over a year ago, making much more sense these days. The
split resistors after the cathode are really rather critical, as I now
see and have more personal experience hands-on with the circuits. That
voltage divider is really keen.

Also of note is the enclosed rather stunningly clever patent document
from 1938. Negative bias to the grid, or in this case trigger input.
My head is spinning and various bits are starting to assemble into a
clearer picture, though not quite all clear and focused yet.

Been a good weekend for wrapping my head around stuff.

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