Greetings from a new list member in Switzerland!

Many years ago, in a different phase of my life, I discovered the NixiSat and 
fell in love with the design.

I contacted Jeff Thomas and bought a full kit, including the enclosure and the 
cherry wood base.

I also bought 6x Z5680M from Jan Philipp Wuesten for 22 EUR each, I guess I 
have had better ROI on those nixies than on any bank account, and some stock 

All of this happened in October 2003. Of course everything remained in their 
boxes, and lived thru different relocations, from Brussels to Rome to Milan, 
and finally Switzerland, close to Lausanne, where I have been living for 5 
years now.

Lately I felt the urge to go back to some activity in electronics and radio (I 
am also a licensed ham with callsign HB9FGJ) and I dug out of the attic the 
boxes with the NixiSat kit and tubes.

Now it’s time to build it, and I’d like to ask for any specific advice from 
other who have completed this kit, to know if there is any specific pitfall I 
should be aware of.

I have noticed that the building of the columns where the dots of the colons 
are looks a little complicated, so I might required some help there.

One of the things that I would like to do is to substitute the Motorola Oncore 
GPS boards with an ESP8266 with NTP, and have already seen two designs to 
achieve this. None of the two supports the PPS signal which is required by the 
firmware, according to an email exchange I had with Jeff when I bought the kit 
back in 2003.

I have also seen that a different firmware for the PIC was produced by Jeff, to 
support the $GPRMC NMEA strings and disregard the missing PPS, am I correct in 
this assumption?

Does anyone here have the possibility to program a new PIC with the latest 
firmware created by the late Jeff Thomas?

Finally, I have seen the PIR modification to extend the life of the tubes, 
seems a reasonable thing to implement. I need to look into implementing it once 
the clock is built.

I look forward to any feedback you might have, and I will update you on the 
building as it progresses.

Best regards and 73 to all the hams out there!

Luca Bertagnolio HB9FGJ
close to Lausanne, Switzerland

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