I'm actually using a CPLD (FPGA) for my next project, because the attached 
RasPi is running Linux and does not have guaranteed response time. It's too 
risky to have logic controlling something critical, like a DCDC converter, 
if the behavior is not deterministic at all times. Leaving a transistor on 
for a few extra microseconds will cause something to burn-up.
Non-critical tasks, such as reading A/D converters, sending status updates 
to my server, getting & displaying time-of-day, and checking fuses are OK 
for the RasPi.

I used a CPLD  previously for my wristwatch, and it works nicely.

The logic controlling the DCDC converter will be running at 50Mhz, while 
most of the other logic on the FPGA will be at 1Mhz.

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