Has anyone tried to obtain RoHS certification for old nixie tubes or for 
modern homemade models?

The point of interest to me is the mercury content. RoHS allows Hg only up 
to 0.1% parts by weight of homogeneous material of the assembly. The exact 
definition is as follows:

*"The term "homogeneous" means "of uniform composition throughout". 
Examples of "homogeneous materials" are individual types of: plastics, 
ceramics, glass, metals, alloys, paper, board, resins and coatings. The 
term “mechanically disjointed” means that the materials can, in principle, 
be separated by mechanical actions such as: unscrewing, cutting, crushing, 
grinding and abrasive processes."*

Therefore, the getter pill/strip on its own is a homogeneous material that 
can in theory be disjointed by mechanical action...

On the other hand, in document 2002L0095 — EN — 25.09.2010 — 008.001 — 1  
Page 9 - M13 4(a), states that up to 15mg of Hg is allowed - *"Mercury in 
other low pressure discharge lamps (per lamp)"*.

This does not completely exempt nixie tubes from the mercury content but at 
least it is provides some limit which can be used for comparison to the XRF 
analysis from an RoHS certification lab.

I will be eager to see if anyone else has thought about this :) 

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