I'm using network time that my Raspberry Pi re-acquires roughly every 20 
minutes, with a DS3232 for backup when the internet is down. I need to 
tweak the software a bit more to automatically update the DS3232; right now 
I have to use my debug utility to manually update it. But this does allow 
me to see how much long-term drift there is. Here is an actual check from 

INIT: RTC module = 09/29/21 08:52:56
INFO: NTP sync acquired at 09/29/21 09:52:12

It's been about 6 months since I sync'd the time, and this particular 
DS3232 RTC has gained 44 seconds. That's about 3PPM, which is pretty close 
to the datasheet spec of 2PPM. I have not made any attempt to use the trim 
register yet, but now that I have this data I might give that a shot.

On Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at 9:34:27 AM UTC-7 nixiebunny wrote:

> My latest scope clock uses a DS3232 RTC chip for general timekeeping. This 
> chip only keeps time to the nearest second, as far as the user-readable 
> registers are concerned. 
> I also have a USB port that can read the time from a GlobalSat GPS puck. 
> This reports the time once a second through the Arduino TinyGPS library, 
> with the age of the time in milliseconds (typically 250). This should let 
> me compensate for the read delay by setting the tick (50/60Hz) counter in 
> my local time variables.
> What do any of you time nuts do about displaying the time accurately, and 
> making the RTC be reasonably accurate compared to the GPS? 
> Do you discipline the RTC with GPS? Do you just ignore the RTC when GPS is 
> available? Set the RTC occasionally?

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