For the general driving of shift registers - take a look at the Arduino 
ShiftOut function 
- this shifts out 8 bits at a time - you can modify the code in the 
ShiftOut function to work with 16,32,64 bits etc. You just need the three 
pins that you have already identified.
A step up from that is to use SPI transfer - which works like shiftout but 
instead - the processor handles the transfer.
Please check the suitability of this device for nixes - the spec seems to 
suggest that it will sink or drive 1mA and I believe that the ZM1080 has a 
2mA cathode current.
I usually use HV5522 or HV5622 which handle the current and are easy to 
drive via ShiftOut or SPI.transfer commands. They also support a blanking 
signal which can be used to vary tube brightness.
 - RIchard

On Thursday, 3 November 2022 at 21:45:03 UTC wrote:

> Hi, as my final Masters Degree thesis in Microelectronics I decided to 
> create portable/small form-factor nixie tube clock using ZM1082T. Whole 
> project is circled around modern connectivity, so I am using USB type-c for 
> programing and powering plus Wi-Fi connectivity and all that. So simply 
> put, I designed my own PCB, which is thing I do and it's fine, but besides 
> some pinout and footprint miss-steps, everything about that is fine, all my 
> features (temp, buzzer, RGB Neopixel backlight, Wi-Fi, USB-C powering and 
> programing, protections, RTC) are working flawlessly. My problem is, I am 
> not a programmer, and all the features mentioned above were tested using 
> example libraries and that's fine for having something from which I can 
> kick-off and create final whole code, but with HV528 it's different story. 
> In this whole Group there is not much about using push-pull configuration 
> HV chips from microchip (which, believe me, if I could, I wouldn't have 
> chosen this chip, but chip shortage, availability, money, my country 
> shipping, etc..... that's why and this is what I got). With poor datasheet 
> details from microchip, POL and BP pins are for me quite a mystery and when 
> creating schematic and PCB I left BP open and POL with LE, CLK, DIN were 
> connected to ESP (on SPI pins, POL and LE to GPIO). which should be fine 
> based on my reasearch, but for the love of god, I can't seem to figure out 
> to test it, and control it. Only thing I could manage was that all cathodes 
> were glowing :D. But basically I am too lazy and time limited to create 
> some code "now" to test it. I was hoping for some libraries and examples or 
> some simple shift registers examples, which could be transferred to this, 
> but no luck. 
> So if anyone, is interested in this "problem" and shows some interest, I 
> am willing to show more, fotos, schematics, but for now, I don't want to 
> post anything (our school algorithms would thing I copied from here and I 
> would be flagged for plagiarism, stupid, I know, but no point in risking 
> it...). So thanks everyone for any comment.
> Looking forward to interesting conversations.
> PS: probably to catch your interest, here are some unrendered 3D models 
> from Altium.

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