> On Feb 18, 2023, at 6:26 PM, Jim KO5V <jr...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> So, is there a reason other than saving a few parts for not using the IC 
> sockets - like added paths for noise, or??

If you're going to use sockets you want reliable retention. Chips can work 
loose over time especially with lots of thermal cycling. Double-wipe sockets 
are the best if you want something to be as disaster-proof as possible. I've 
never used anything else.

Machined collect sockets have weaker retention but are desirable if you're 
going to be swapping ICs in and out during the development phase or installing 
updates in the field. In the old days this would have been something like an 
EPROM with firmware on it.

Terry Bowman, KA4HJH
"The Mac Doctor"


Q: Should car stereo speakers be pointed to the rear for more thrust or up for 
more traction?

A. On long trips, the 20- to 30% improvement in gas mileage you might get with 
speakers pointing to the rear is certainly worthwhile. On the other hand, if 
you drive on snow or ice, the extra traction of speakers pointing upward gives 
you added control.

Don Lancaster

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