Photos please! I absolutely love the idea!!

I wish I owned a PV544 (or a PV444 with split windows).


On Saturday, 13 May 2023 at 19:32:46 UTC+2 David Forbes wrote:

> I built a Nixie tube instrument panel for my Corvair a couple of years 
> ago. It's a big PC board with a couple dozen 4998 and 5870 tubes, with a 
> separate control box. It worked very well (no vibration problems or 
> anything), so I transferred it into my Volvo 544 shortly after I reacquired 
> the car last year. It's working well in there too, but I'd like to 
> rearrange the gauges to fit the car's instrument cluster. 
> To this end, I'm redesigning it to be modular instead of a monolithic 
> board shaped to fit the car. Each gauge is a little PC board with an HV66 
> driver and SPI daisy chain ribbon connectors. 
> The plan is to be able to position the modules in the original cluster 
> housing as best fits the car. The software is going to have a header file 
> that's customized to the car. Trim pots on the box allow in-use calibration 
> of those parameters that need it, such as speedometer and temperature. 
> Do any of you with old cars think you'd be interested in this?

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