This CR is simply to cleanup the style of the source code. This has bugged me for a while!

 1) Remove extraneous newlines
 2) Use consistent javadoc comment style
 3) Fix typos in public specification, specifically:
    http->HTTP, url->URL, seperated->separated, llegal->illegal
 4) Where possible limit code to 80 columns

Minor implementation changes
 1) Make 'name', 'assignors', and 'whenCreated', final since they are
 2) Remove unnecessary StringBuilder from toNetscapeHeaderString
    ( since it is using String concatenation )
 3) Use diamond in ArrayList construction, parse()

For ease of review I generated HTML diffs of the javadoc (see webrev). Reviewers can simply scan the javadoc diffs, and scan the new source file for style ( and be confident that there are no spec changes ).


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